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Page Header: U.S. Agricultural Trade
Link: U.S. Ag Trade Link: Trade Policy Link: Trade agreements Link: Trade news & data Link: Trade trends Link: Start trading!

Agricultural trade throughout the world is changing. Keeping up with fluctuations in markets, new and amended regulations, and issues that affect trade is challenging. Technology and fewer trade restrictions have opened international markets for both buyers and sellers.

U.S. agricultural trade programs are designed to develop and expand commercial outlets for U.S. commodities and to provide international food assistance. Farmers in the United States produce more with the same or even fewer resources than 50 years ago. American farmers must look to foreign markets because production and production capacity is increasing faster than domestic demand.

Trade provides U.S. consumers with access to a wider variety of foods at reasonable prices, including those not produced domestically. Trade brings tropical fruits, coffee, and exotic cheeses to American consumers. Imports make fresh fruits and vegetables, such as asparagus and grapes, available at affordable prices during winter months. U.S. food processors rely on global markets for many food ingredients, such as cocoa (combined with domestic sugar and dairy products) for chocolate.

What Is U.S. Agricultural Trade Policy?
   Why Agricultural Trade Is Important
   Trade Glossary, Chronology, and Acronyms
     (from The Language of Trade, U.S. Department of State)
   Frequently Asked Questions About
      U.S. Agricultural Trade
Trade Trends
    Biotechnology and U.S. Agricultural Trade 
    Agricultural Science and Technology Ministerial
    Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
    Seizing the Opportunities from Trade
Trade Agreements
 bullet  Regional Agreements
      bullet Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA)
      bullet North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
      bullet Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)
 bullet  Free Trade Agreements
 bullet  Country Agreements
      bullet U.S.-Chile
      bullet U.S.-Morocco
      bullet U.S.-Canada
      bullet U.S.-Australia
      bullet U.S.-European Union
      bullet U.S.-South African Customs Union (SACU) Trade
      bullet Trade With Cuba

Trade News and Data
 bullet  Trade Data
 bullet  Recent Headlines (Archives 2000-2003)
     bullet  United States and Bahrain Sign Free Trade Agreement (09/14/04)
President Bush Signs The U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (08/17/04)
     bullet  U.S. - Japanese Officials Conclude Agreement for Resumption of Beef Trade
--  Statement By Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman Regarding Resumption of Beef Trade with Japan
--  Questions and Answers Concerning U.S.- Japan Beef Trade Agreement
--  Joint Press Statement For The Resumption Of Trade In Beef And Beef Products by the Government of United States and the Government of the Japan

          bullet  More Trade News ...

Start Trading!
bullet  Exporting--Getting Started
bullet  Links for Exporters
bullet  Export.gov

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U.S. Ag Trade Trade Policy Agreements News & Data Trade Trends Start Trading!

Last modified: Wednesday, February 11, 2004