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Joint Experimentation Directorate (J9)

As the transformation laboratory for the Department of Defense, USJFCOM turns to the Joint Experimentation Directorate (J9) to develop, explore, test, and validate 21st-century warfighting concepts.

Development of a coherent joint force starts with aggressive concept development as well as robust joint experimentation.

This continuous process forms the basis of transformation. New ideas are gathered and expanded to describe how future joint operational capabilities will be used.

Concepts may be revolutionary, driving new technology; evolutionary, building upon all newly discovered knowledge; and/or innovative, applying off-the-shelf technologies to the development of future concepts.

Joint warfighting transformational concepts developed here will be integrated into future joint forces training.

Through the process of experimentation, USJFCOM will ensure that our military force of tomorrow can fight more effectively, more efficiently, and at less risk than in the past.

To that end, joint experimentation offers improvements in doctrine, interoperability and integration, all of which lay the foundation for defense transformation.

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Recent Experimentation News

Wood takes over Joint Experimentation Directorate
Former commander of Army's 2nd Infantry Division in the Republic of South Korea takes reigns of overseeing USJFCOM directorate's goals of exploring, testing and validating warfighting ideas and concepts that lead to military transformation

U.S. Joint Forces Command 1562 Mitscher Ave. Suite 200 Norfolk, Va. 23551-2488 757-836-6555/DSN 836-6555