Mission Seal US Department of State
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Send your Feedback by Email

Before you send us an email requesting help, please be sure to have checked the following pages that provide the anwsers to many frequently asked questions:

Due to the individual nature of visa/immigration and other consular queries, the consular section does not answer questions per e-mail. If you have visa/immigration questions, please visit our Visa and Travel Information Section or CALL the consular section Visa Information Service (only from within Germany) at:
0190 - 85 00 55 (live service - EUR 1,86/minute)

Job applications received via e-mail will not be processed. Please check our page on Employment Opportunities and send applications to specific job announcements via mail.

Please include your name and email address in your message. Should we need to call you or mail information to you, it would be helpful to have your telephone number and address, also. The personal information provided will be used only to answer your request. Please see our Privacy Policy for details.

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United States Mission