Web Server Statistics for Seaboard

Program started at Thu-09-Sep-2004 15:23.
Analysed requests from Sat-01-Jan-2000 00:00 to Tue-31-Aug-2004 23:59 (1705.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending 31-Aug-2004 23:59).
Successful requests: 832,701,305 (10,253,463)
Average successful requests per day: 488,388 (1,464,780)
Successful requests for pages: 456,131,357 (5,421,928)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 267,525 (774,561)
Failed requests: 15,146,714 (150,133)
Redirected requests: 5,076,585 (627,454)
Distinct files requested: 1,058,703 (13,476)
Corrupt logfile lines: 34,393
Unwanted logfile entries: 22,040,130
Data transferred: 23.692 Tbytes (465.599 Gbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 14.229 Gbytes (66.514 Gbytes)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report)

This report lists the activity in each month.

Each unit (+) represents 1,000,000 requests for pages or part thereof.

   month:     reqs:    pages:  Tbytes: 
--------: --------: --------: -------: 
Aug 2004: 47076382: 25409169:   1.968: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Jul 2004: 38835248: 25149631:   1.635: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Jun 2004: 31868061: 19115141:   1.034: ++++++++++++++++++++
May 2004: 31195623: 18371605:   0.974: +++++++++++++++++++
Apr 2004: 27707873: 16285771:   0.898: +++++++++++++++++
Mar 2004: 25821017: 15409627:   0.877: ++++++++++++++++
Feb 2004: 21945615: 13493726:   0.785: ++++++++++++++
Jan 2004: 23295057: 14424549:   0.834: +++++++++++++++

Dec 2003: 23758726: 14760361:   0.835: +++++++++++++++
Nov 2003: 25555468: 15192217:   0.828: ++++++++++++++++
Oct 2003: 27708966: 15932416:   0.863: ++++++++++++++++
Sep 2003: 34433189: 17115023:   0.874: ++++++++++++++++++
Aug 2003: 28346110: 15687015:   0.898: ++++++++++++++++
Jul 2003: 26918809: 13422356:   0.744: ++++++++++++++
Jun 2003: 22499063: 10919343:   0.619: +++++++++++
May 2003: 19484642:  8934434:   0.494: +++++++++
Apr 2003: 15907228:  7666901:   0.449: ++++++++
Mar 2003: 13981576:  7414090:   0.426: ++++++++
Feb 2003: 10924059:  5430056:   0.352: ++++++
Jan 2003: 12269556:  6014576:   0.385: +++++++

Dec 2002: 12674775:  6081167:   0.391: +++++++
Nov 2002: 13719820:  6237192:   0.404: +++++++
Oct 2002: 16845207:  7418984:   0.439: ++++++++
Sep 2002: 18444892:  7968333:   0.269: ++++++++
Aug 2002: 16663035:  7515249:   0.275: ++++++++
Jul 2002: 13755809:  6055007:   0.266: +++++++
Jun 2002: 13496911:  5552787:   0.246: ++++++
May 2002: 14179968:  5693776:   0.255: ++++++
Apr 2002: 11000966:  5136821:   0.213: ++++++
Mar 2002:  8759260:  4681068:   0.198: +++++
Feb 2002:  7317044:  4048840:   0.173: +++++
Jan 2002:  8285404:  4695489:   0.215: +++++

Dec 2001:  8166173:  4569892:   0.216: +++++
Nov 2001:  9249758:  5077400:   0.224: ++++++
Oct 2001:  9746996:  5332903:   0.259: ++++++
Sep 2001: 10399601:  5720511:   0.248: ++++++
Aug 2001: 11684387:  6411802:   0.256: +++++++
Jul 2001: 10516401:  5894042:   0.251: ++++++
Jun 2001:  9800217:  5594744:   0.248: ++++++
May 2001: 10091106:  5815607:   0.259: ++++++
Apr 2001:  8757632:  5055404:   0.184: ++++++
Mar 2001:  8136468:  4646711:   0.174: +++++
Feb 2001:  6483958:  3887009:   0.122: ++++
Jan 2001:  6560634:  3679853:   0.077: ++++

Dec 2000:  5873867:  3288466:   0.084: ++++
Nov 2000:  4605271:  2855861:   0.079: +++
Oct 2000:  5250184:  3200756:   0.089: ++++
Sep 2000:  5668353:  3221631:   0.097: ++++
Aug 2000:  5678818:  3637922:   0.105: ++++
Jul 2000:  5869587:  4029831:   0.114: +++++
Jun 2000:  6244007:  4011580:   0.111: +++++
May 2000:  5027503:  3440631:   0.104: ++++
Apr 2000:  4490403:  3117373:   0.087: ++++
Mar 2000:  3675793:  2451810:   0.062: +++
Feb 2000:  3084942:  2069748:   0.055: +++
Jan 2000:  2963887:  1887150:   0.041: ++
Busiest month: Aug 2004 (25,409,169 requests for pages).
This analysis was produced by analog 5.1.
Running time: 1266 minutes, 56 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report)

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