National Data Buoy Center title
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Important NDBC Web Site Changes

Dial-A-Buoy is working, but occasionally requires the phone to ring six or seven rings before answering. We're working on the solution to this technical difficulty. Sorry for the inconvenience.

How do you decode real-time data?


The following is an example of a NDBC buoy observation in FM-13 code.

42003 28121 99259 70859 46/// /2211 10285 20253 30113 40113
57012 91150 22200 00289 10603 20502 318// 41201 70013 333 91213
555 11107 22114 31127 42314 61149 223113 225107 219111
228116 227103 217100=

The decoding follows:

42003     STATION IDENTIFIER             First two numbers indicate WMO region.

28121     TIME AND WIND UNITS            28=Day, 12=hour(UTC), 1=measured speed in m/s.

99259     LATITUDE                       25.9 degrees (in this case N latitude)

70859     LONGITUDE & QUADRANT           7=quadrant of globe that buoy is located,
                                            1= N latitude & E longitude
                                            3= S latitude & E longitude
                                            5= S latitude & W longitude
                                            7= N latitude & W longitude

                                         0859= 85.9 W longitude

/2211     WIND DIRECTION & SPEED         Wind blowing from 220 degrees at 11 m/s

10285     AIR TEMPERATURE                0285=+28.5ø C, 1285=-28.5ø C

20253     DEW POINT TEMPERATURE          0253=+25.3ø C, 1253=-25.3ø C

30113     STATION BARO. PRESSURE         30113=1011.3 hPa, 39995=999.5 hPa

40113     SEA LEVEL PRESSURE             40113=1011.3 hPa, 49995=999.5 hPa

57012     3 HR. PRESSURE TENDENCY        Pressure 1.2 hPa lower than three hours ago

91150     END OF ACQUISITION TIME        The end of data acquisition=1150 UTC

00289     SEA WATER TEMPERATURE          0289=+28.9 C, 1010=-1.0 C

10603     SEA STATE                      Dominant period=6 sec., Wave height=3 half meters

20502     WIND WAVE HEIGHT & PERIOD      The wind-wave height is one-meter (02 = 2 half-meters)
                                         and wind-wave period is 5 seconds.

318//     PRIMARY SWELL DIRECTION        The primary swell direction = 180 deg. (from the south); 
                                         only buoys reporting directional waves encode this group.

41201     SWELL HEIGHT & PERIOD          The swell height is a half-meter (01 = one half-meter)
                                         and the primary swell period is 12 seconds.

70013     WAVE HEIGHT                    Significant wave height= 1.3 meters
                                         (higher precision)

91213     PEAK WIND GUST                 5-sec. peak wind during 8-minute
                                         acquisition interval=13 m/s.

11107     WIND AT 10 METERS              Estimated wind at 10 meters elevation=10.7 m/s.

22114     WIND AT 20 METERS              Estimated wind at 20 meters elevation=11.4 m/s.

31127     TIME OF PEAK 5-SEC WIND        11=UTC hour, 27=minutes after the hour

42314     5-SEC PEAK WIND SPD/DIR        23=230 degrees, 14=14 meters/sec.

61149     TIME OF CONTINUOUS WIND        1149=end time in hours and minutes (UTC) of
                                         latest 10-minute continuous wind.

223113    LATEST 10-MIN CONT. WIND       223=223 degrees, 113=11.3 m/s

225107    NEXT OLDER 10-MIN CONT. WIND   225=225 degrees, 107= 10.7 m/s
217100    6th OLDEST 10-MIN CONT. WIND   217=217ø, 100=10.0 m/s

NOTE: Some groups may not be included in an individual message.


The following is an example of an NDBC C-MAN observation in code.

CMAN 20124
DSLN7 46/// /0113 10110 20095 40292 52021 91200 222// 00204 10703
70016 333 91218 555 11012 22012 31135 402021 61159 005012 022011
008012 007012 011011 007012 TIDE1157=

The decoding follows:

CMAN      Heading indicating that the following stations are Coastal Marine Stations

20124     TIME AND WIND UNITS            20=day of month, 12=1200 UTC, 4=wind in knots

DSLN7     STATION IDENTIFIER             Diamond Shoals Light, NC

/0113     WIND DIR. & SPEED              Wind blowing from 010 at 13 knots

10110     AIR TEMPERATURE                0110=11.0C, 1110=-11.0C

20095     DEW POINT TEMP.                0095=9.5C, 1095=-9.5C

40292     SEA LEVEL PRESSURE             40292=1029.2 hPa, 49995=999.5 hPa

52021     3hr. PRESS. TENDENCY           Pressure 2.1 hPa higher than 3 hrs ago

91200     END OF ACQ. TIME               end of data acquisition=1200 UTC

00204     SEA WATER TEMP.                0204=20.4C, 1204=-20.4C

10703     SEA STATE                      dominant period=7 sec., wave hgt=3 half meters

70016     REFINED SEA STATE              hgt of highest 1/3 waves=1.6 meters

91218     PEAK WIND GUST                 highest peak wind gust=18 knots

11012     WIND SPD AT 10m                wind speed at 10m above site elev.=12 knots

22012     WIND SPD AT 20m                wind speed at 20m above site elev.=12 knots

31135     TIME OF MAX WIND SPEED         11=11 UTC, 35=35 min. after the hr.

402021    MAX WIND SPEED & DIR.          020=20 degrees, 21=21 knots

61159     TIME OF CONT. WIND             1159=end time in hours and minutes (UTC) of
                                         latest 10-minute continuous wind.

005012    LATEST 10-MIN CONT. WIND       005=5 degrees, 012= 12 knots

022011    NEXT OLDER 10-MIN CONT WIND    022=22 degrees, 011=11 knots

007012    6th OLDEST CONTINUOUS WIND     007=7 degrees, 012=12 knots

TIDE1157  TIDAL HEIGHT                   tidal height is 1.57 feet above
                                         Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW)

Note: Some groups may not be included in an individual message.

U.S. Dept. of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
National Data Buoy Center
Page last modified: August 11, 2004
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