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Auke Bay Laboratory


Part of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, ABL has housed federal fisheries research in Alaska since 1960. The laboratory is located 12 miles north of Juneau and consists of six research programs. The Little Port Walter field station on Baranof Island is ABL's primary field station, where researchers conduct studies on several species of Pacific salmon.


In the News

Aleutian Islands Deep Water Corals
picture of Jason II

Scientists from the Auke Bay Laboratory are the first to use the deep-diving, remotely operated vehicle Jason II to study corals near Alaska's Aleutian Islands.
Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey (BASIS)picture of ships involved in BASIS research
The BASIS  program was established in 2001 to coordinate long-term, large-scale ecosystem research on salmon in the Bering Sea.
Long-Term Ecosystem Response to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill picture of oiled pit
Stanley Rice and Jeffrey Short from ABL are among the coauthors for this review in the 19 December 2003 issue of Science magazine.

Research Programs


Stock Identification genetic signature of two stocks of sockeye salmon

provides research information required in regional, national, and international agreements dealing with the management of Pacific salmon.

Groundfish Assessment picture of sablefish

provides research needed to manage the Alaska groundfish resource, emphasizing sablefish, rockfish, and habitat interactions.

Marine Salmon Interactions picture of netted salmon about to be hauled aboard

conducts studies of salmonid ecosystems, primarily in the marine environment. Most studies involve pink, chum, coho, chinook, and steelhead.

Ocean Carrying Capacity picture of fishing ship reeling in net

continues the NMFS role in the stewardship of living marine resources. Researchers study the effects of environmental and biological interactions on the productivity of the North Pacific.

Habitat Investigations picture of water and shoreline in Southeast Alaska

provides information needed for conserving living marine resources during development associated with activities such as fisheries, logging, oil production, mining, and urbanization.

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill picture of Exxon Valdez

conducts research on the effects of the 1989 oil spill on fish and invertebrates of Prince William Sound, and monitors the persistence of oil in the environment.

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