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Mission of the Outcomes Research Branch

The Outcomes Research Branch (ORB) is one of three branches in NCI's Applied Research Program. The attached organization chart shows ORB's position within NCI's structure.

Our mission is to coordinate and sponsor research to measure, evaluate, and improve the outcomes of cancer care. Our ultimate purpose in carrying out this research program is to contribute to improving cancer outcomes, reducing cancer-related health disparities, and reducing the cancer burden to patients, their families, and society.

We carry out our mission by:

  • coordinating and funding methodological research and applications to enhance the state of the science of cancer outcomes measurement;
  • supporting research to assess, monitor, and enhance the quality of cancer care; and
  • translating research findings into products and strategies for use by public and private decisionmakers who provide, pay for, regulate, set standards for, and make personal decisions about cancer care.

In this section:

* Mission
* Staff
* Contact Information
* Driving Directions


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