to TTB Kid's Connection
About TTB
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 split the functions
of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
into two parts. The part of ATF that handles firearms
and explosives was moved to the Department of Justice.
The part that handles taxes for alcohol and tobacco
was kept at the Department of the Treasury. The new
agency at the Department of the Treasury was named
the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau or TTB.
The person who heads TTB is
called an Administrator. Our current Administrator
is Arthur Libertucci. You can read more about Mr.
Libertucci by visiting our Administrator's
page. TTB is made up of four offices, which include
the Office of the Administrator, the Office of Field
Operations, the Office of Headquarters Operations
and the Office of Management. To find out who is in
charge of these offices see our organization
chart. To find out what each office does visit
our homepage.