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In the query box you can specify keywords (e.g. "anemia", "benzene", "reproductive"), boolean operators ("and", "or", "not") and parenthesis ("(" and ")"). Keywords separated by spaces are equivalent to keywords separated by "and". The database searches for files containing words that match your pattern (as opposed to files containing lines which match your pattern). For example,

    anemia and leukemia
will find files containing "anemia" and "leukemia". All searches are case-insensitive.
    anemia and not leukemia
will find files which contain "anemia" but not "leukemia".
    benzene or mercury and anemia
finds files which contain both (1) either "benzene" or "mercury", and (2) "anemia".
    benzene or (mercury and anemia)
finds files which contain either (1) "benzene", or (2) both "mercury" and "anemia".

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