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Current Version

The Guide to Prevention Quality Indicators along with the SAS® and SPSS® software and related documentation have been updated. The current version is 2.1, Rev. 3, January 2004.


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Prevention Quality Indicators Download

Download Instructions:  Your browser may support loading the files from this Web page. To download the files from this Web page, click on the following links with the right mouse button and select "Save Link As" (Netscape) or "Save Target As" (Internet Explorer). Some of the files below are in PDF format, help with PDF files is available.

User Guide

The User Guide provides direction on the interpretation of the Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs). It also provides an overview of the methods used to identify, select, and evaluate the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QIs), a summary of the literature based evidence, empirical rates based on the State Inpatient Databases, and detailed definitions for each PQI. Potential users of this document include hospitals, State data organizations, and hospital associations.

Software and Documentation

The PQI module software is available as programs to run in either SAS® or SPSS® statistical software packages. To use the PQI module software, users must have access to SAS® or SPSS® statistical software packages. All necessary components for running the software are included in the zip file, but users must provide a hospital discharge data file in the specified format. The software documentation describes the procedures for implementing the PQI module of the AHRQ QIs Version 2.1 and highlights features of the analytic approach of particular interest to users. The documentation and user guide are not included in the software zip file and should be downloaded separately.


PQI Change Log:  The Change Log document provides a cumulative summary of all changes made to the PQI software, software documentation and user guide since the original release of these documents in November 2001.

PQI ICD-9-CM Coding Changes:  This document summarizes the changes to the indicator definitions resulting from FY 2003 and 2004 changes to ICD-9-CM coding and DRG changes. These changes will only affect data from FY 2003 (Oct. 1, 2002) or later.

Note: Although the QI program modules are free, both SAS® and SPSS® are commercially licensed software packages that must be purchased. Neither SAS® Institute Inc. nor SPSS® Inc. has any affiliation with development of the AHRQ QIs.

Internet Citation:
Prevention Quality Indicators Download. AHRQ Quality Indicators. January 2004. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/pqi_download.htm