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Information Quality Guidelines

Requests For Corrective Action

To seek a correction under Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-554), of the information maintained or disseminated by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, individuals should follow the submittal procedure. The information below will help us to respond to your request.

Please provide:
Daytime Telephone Number:

Email Address (if available and you wish to be contacted by email):
Publication/Report Title/Item(s) in which you are seeking correction (include publication title, date, and page number(s), line number(s), if any)
(For example: Survey of Current Business, April 2002, page D-17, Table 6.16C Corporate Profits by Industry Group, row on Domestic Industries, column year 2001.):

If found on our web-site, please provide the web page address (url):

You must provide your explanations to all three categories regarding the correction that you believe is warranted.
We suggest that you prepare your answers using a word processing package and cut and paste your answers into the appropriate category.
a. Explain why the disseminated information fails to follow its quality guidelines.
b. Explain why the disseminated information is not correct.
c. Explain how you are affected by this information.
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