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Employment Coverage Thresholds

Updated October 19, 2004
Coverage threshold definition A coverage threshold is an amount of earnings that triggers coverage under the Social Security program. Earnings below the threshold are not taxable under Social Security nor do such earnings count toward future benefits.
Domestic employee coverage threshold for 2005 The domestic employee coverage threshold amount for 2005 is $1,400. By law, the domestic employee coverage threshold amount for 2005 shall be equal to the 1995 amount of $1,000 multiplied by the ratio of the national average wage index for 2003 to that for 1993. If the amount so determined is not a multiple of $100, it is rounded to the next lower multiple of $100.

Calculation details
Amounts in
1995 threshold$1,000
1993 average wage index$23,132.67
2003 average wage index$34,064.95
Computation$1,000 times $34,064.95 divided by $23,132.67 equals $1,472.59, which rounds down to $1,400.

Election worker coverage threshold for 2005 The election worker coverage threshold amount for 2005 is $1,200. By law, the election worker coverage threshold amount for 2005 shall be equal to the 1999 amount of $1,000 multiplied by the ratio of the national average wage index for 2003 to that for 1997. If the amount so determined is not a multiple of $100, it is rounded to the nearest multiple of $100.

Calculation details
Amounts in
1999 threshold$1,000
1997 average wage index$27,426.00
2003 average wage index$34,064.95
Computation$1,000 times $34,064.95 divided by $27,426.00 equals $1,242.07, which rounds to $1,200.

Coverage thresholds for the last few years A table of wage-indexed amounts includes both domestic employee and election worker coverage thresholds.
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