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Parents play a critical role in the success of the Social Security program. The program is designed to assure a continuing income to families when the worker retires, dies, or becomes disabled.

To get the most of Social Security's family protection features, it's important that parents are aware of such things as who can get benefits on your Social Security record, how to build Social Security credits over your working life, and how to obtain and use Social Security information in planning family financial security.

Social Security has a toll-free number that operates from 7AM to 7PM, Monday to Friday: 1-800-772-1213 If you have a touch-tone phone, recorded information and services are available 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays. People who are deaf or hard of hearing may call our toll-free "TTY" number, 1-800-325-0778, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Monday through Friday. Please have your Social Security number handy when you call us.

Or you could visit us: click here to find your Social Security office address.
What Every Parent Should Know about Social Security
Baby's First Number
Who Can Get Benefits
How Much Work You Need for Benefits for Your Children
Benefits for Grandchildren
Benefits for Disabled Children
Parents May Qualify for Benefits
Using Social Security for Planning Family Financial Security
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