SEC NEWS DIGEST Issue 2004-18 January 28, 2004 COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMISSION MEETINGS Following is a schedule of Commission meetings which will be conducted under provisions of the Government in the Sunshine Act. Meetings will be scheduled according to the requirements of agenda items under consideration. Open meetings will be held in the Commission Meeting Room, Room 1C30, at the Commission's headquarters building, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Visitors are welcome at all open meetings, insofar as space is available. Persons wishing to photograph or videotape Commission meetings must obtain permission in advance from the Secretary of the Commission. Persons wishing to tape record a Commission meeting should notify the Secretary's office 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Any member of the public who requires auxiliary aids such as a sign language interpreter or material on tape to attend a public meeting should contact Rochelle Franks, Office of Administrative and Personnel Management, to make arrangements. Ms. Franks can be reached at TTY number (202) 942-9558. If you are calling from a non-TTY number, please call the Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339. OPEN MEETING - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2004 - 10:00 A.M. The subject matter of the open meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 4, 2004 will be: 1. The Commission will hear oral argument on an appeal by Orlando Joseph Jett (Jett) and the Division of Enforcement (Division) from an initial decision of an administrative law judge. Jett formerly was a government bond trader with former registered broker-dealer Kidder Peabody (Kidder). The Division alleges that Jett committed fraud in connection with a trading scheme involving U.S. Treasury zero coupon bonds by which he booked hundreds of millions of dollars of illusory profits for Kidder and earned millions of dollars in bonuses. The law judge dismissed the fraud charges because, although she found Jett's conduct fraudulent, she concluded that the fraud was not committed "in connection with" the purchase or sale of securities. The law judge also found that Jett aided and abetted Kidder's recordkeeping violations caused by the inclusion of the illusory profits in its financial statements. The law judge barred Jett from association with any broker or dealer and ordered him to pay a civil money penalty of $200,000, to disgorge $8.21 million, plus prejudgment interest, and to cease and desist from committing or causing any violations or future violations of the applicable securities laws. Jett appeals the law judge's findings of recordkeeping violations and contests the judge's findings that he engaged in a scheme to defraud. The Division appeals the law judge's decision with respect to the failure to find violations of the antifraud provisions. Among the issues likely to be considered are: 1. whether respondent committed the alleged violations; and 2. if so, whether sanctions should be imposed in the public interest. For further information, please contact the Office of the Secretary at (202) 942-7070. CLOSED MEETING - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2004 - 11:00 A.M. The subject matter of the closed meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 4, 2004 will be: Post-argument discussion. CLOSED MEETING - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2004 - 10:00 A.M. The subject matters of the closed meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 5, 2004. will be: Formal orders of investigation; Institution and settlement of administrative proceedings of an enforcement nature; Institution and settlement of injunctive actions; Litigation matter; and Adjudicatory matter. At times, changes in Commission priorities require alterations in the scheduling of meeting items. For further information and to ascertain what, if any, matters have been added, deleted or postponed, please contact: The Office of the Secretary at (202) 942-7070. ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS ORDER DIRECTING DISTRIBUTION OF DISGORGEMENT FUND IN THE MATTER OF IMS/CPAs & ASSOCIATES, VERNON HALL, STANLEY HARGRAVE AND JEROME VERNAZZA On January 28, the Commission ordered that distributions be paid to 28 advisory clients of IMS/CPAs & Associates (IMS) pursuant to a plan of disgorgement previously approved in the Matter of IMS/CPAs & Associates, Vernon T. Hall, Stanley G. Hargrave and Jerome B. Vernazza. On Nov. 5, 2001, the Commission issued an opinion in this administrative proceeding finding that an investment adviser, IMS, and its control persons, Hall, Hargrave and Vernazza, misrepresented in documents filed with the Commission and distributed to its advisory clients that they were not receiving compensation for investment recommendations. The Commission held that respondents violated Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The Commission also held that IMS and Vernazza violated Sections 206(1) and 206(2) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and that Hall and Hargrave aided and abetted and caused the violations by IMS. The Commission suspended the registration of IMS for six months; suspended Hall, Hargrave and Vernazza from being associated with an investment adviser for six months; ordered respondents to cease and desist from committing or causing any violations and any future violations of the provisions they were found to have violated; and order respondents jointly and severally to disgorge $75,032.78 minus the amount Vernazza refunded to clients, plus prejudgment interest from Aug. 1, 1996. (Rels. 33-8357; 34-49135; IA- 2210; File No. 3-9042) SEC HALTS $11 MILLION SECURITIES FRAUD IN SAN DIEGO The Commission today filed an emergency action to halt an ongoing securities fraud scheme perpetrated by Alfred Louis "Bobby" Vassallo, Jr., 53, of La Jolla, California and his company, Presto Telecommunications, Inc. (Presto) of San Diego. Presto, which purports to be an international telecommunications company "positioned to become Latin America's Premier Integrated Communications Provider," has raised over $11 million from the sale of stock to date. Also today, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California granted the relief that the Commission sought, ordering the freezing of Presto's and Vassallo's assets, the appointment of a temporary receiver over Presto, and other relief. The Commission's complaint, filed this morning in federal court in San Diego, alleges that the defendants induced more than 800 investors in 42 states to invest in Presto with promises that the company has significant business relationships with AT&T, Sprint, MCI, and Qwest. These four telecommunications companies have purportedly expressed interest in acquiring Presto or in making capital investments in the company. Further, investors are advised that Presto is a "partner" to and has "alliances" with Cisco Systems and Unisys. Finally, investors are told that the U.S. Commerce Department was lobbying Mexican telecommunications regulators on Presto's behalf, and that their funds will be used to build and operate a telecommunications network in Mexico. According to the complaint, these representations are false. Additionally, the complaint alleges that while Vassallo and others have represented that investor funds would be used to pay Presto's business expenses, primarily fiber optics and equipment, in fact only 16% of investor and company funds were used for equipment and fiber, and Vassallo himself has misappropriated at least $1.2 million in investor and company funds for personal expenses. These expenses include jewelry, luxury automobiles, a down payment on an expensive home, mortgage payments, home improvements, political and charitable contributions, and school tuition for his children. The complaint further alleges that Presto has failed to disclose to prospective investors that the license its affiliated entity received from the Mexican government in 1998 to operate a commercial telecommunications network in Mexico was, in fact, the subject of revocation proceedings that commenced in 2001. Only recently has Presto informed investors that revocation proceedings had begun. In its lawsuit, the Commission obtained an order freezing the assets of Presto and Vassallo, an accounting, an order preventing destruction of documents, an order appointing a temporary receiver over Presto and temporarily enjoining Presto and Vassallo from future violations of the registration and antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws, Sections 5(a), 5(c) and 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The Commission also seeks preliminary and permanent injunctions, and other relief, including disgorgement and civil penalties against Presto and Vassallo. A hearing on whether a preliminary injunction should be issued against the defendants and whether a permanent receiver should be appointed over the company is scheduled for February 9, 2004, at 11 AM. [SEC v. Presto Telecommunications, Inc., and Alfred Louis Vassallo, Jr. aka Bobby Vassallo, Civil Action No. 04CV00163IEG(POR) SDCA] (LR-18554) COURT ENTERS FINAL JUDGMENT AGAINST KENNETH WINGER AND PAUL HUMPHREYS, FORMER TOP EXECUTIVES OF SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. The Commission today announced that the Honorable Charles S. Haight, U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of New York, has entered a final judgment against defendants Kenneth W. Winger and Paul R. Humphreys. Winger, the former Chief Executive Officer of Safety-Kleen Corp., and Humphreys, the former Chief Financial Officer, were permanently enjoined from violating the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws, Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. Humphreys was also enjoined from violating books and records provisions, Section 13(b)(5) of the Exchange Act and Rule 13b2-1 thereunder. Further, both defendants were enjoined from violating the lying to auditors provision, Exchange Act Rule 13b2-2, and both were permanently barred from serving as an officer or director of a public company. The judgment orders Winger to pay approximately $440,000 in disgorgement, prejudgment interest and civil penalties, and orders Humphreys to pay more than $150,000. The judgment was entered upon default. The Commission's complaint, which was filed on Dec. 12, 2002, alleged that from at least November 1998 through March 2000, Safety-Kleen's senior executives engaged in a massive accounting fraud by materially overstating the company's revenue and earnings in periodic reports filed with the Commission and in press releases issued by the company. They carried out the scheme primarily by making inappropriate quarterly accounting adjustments for the purpose of meeting Wall Street pro forma earnings expectations. The executives also fraudulently recorded approximately $38 million of cash that was generated by entering into speculative derivatives transactions, further distorting the company's true financial picture. The complaint alleged that Humphreys orchestrated the fraudulent scheme. As set forth in the complaint, he engaged in the illegal conduct to create the illusion that predicted cost savings and business synergies from two large acquisitions were being achieved. In fact, the expected savings had not materialized, the company's business was declining rapidly, and the company was facing a severe cash flow problem. To make up for the earnings shortfall, Humphreys recorded, or directed others to record, numerous adjustments that were not in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. According to the complaint, Winger signed Safety-Kleen's periodic reports and knew or was reckless in not knowing that the financial statements contained in those reports were materially false and misleading. Finally, the complaint alleged that Humphreys and Winger knew or were reckless in not knowing that the company's quarterly earnings press releases were materially false and misleading. The entry of the final judgment against Winger and Humphreys concludes the litigation brought by the Commission arising out of the financial fraud at Safety-Kleen. Previously, Safety-Kleen and former employees William D. Ridings and Thomas W. Ritter, Jr. entered into settlements with the Commission. See Litigation Release No. 17891, dated Dec. 12, 2002. [SEC v. Safety-Kleen Corp., et al., USDC, SDNY, 02 Civ. 9791 (CSH)] (LR-18555; AAE Rel. 1949) SELF-REGULATORY ORGANIZATIONS PROPOSED RULE CHANGE A proposed rule change has been filed by the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (SR-FICC-2003-01) to implement fines for the failure to timely submit required financial reports and to meet certain additional reporting requirements. The proposed rule change also eliminates a provision allowing foreign members to prepare their financial statements in accordance with accounting standards other than U.S. GAAP. Publication of the proposal is expected in the Federal Register during the week of January 26. (Rel. 34-49125) WITHDRAWAL SOUGHT A notice has been issued giving interested persons until Feb. 18, 2004, to comment on the application of Boardwalk Equities Inc. to withdraw its Common Stock, no par value, from listing and registration on the New York Stock Exchange. (Rel. 34-49132) SECURITIES ACT REGISTRATIONS The following registration statements have been filed with the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933. The reported information appears as follows: Form, Name, Address and Phone Number (if available) of the issuer of the security; Title and the number and/or face amount of the securities being offered; Name of the managing underwriter or depositor (if applicable); File number and date filed; Assigned Branch; and a designation if the statement is a New Issue. Registration statements may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at the following e-mail box address: . In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: . S-3 URS CORP /NEW/, 100 CALIFORNIA ST, STE 500, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 94111, 4157742700 - 3,000,000 ($409,960,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112216 - Jan. 27) (BR. 06) S-8 CASUAL MALE RETAIL GROUP INC, 555 TURNPIKE STREET, CANTON, MA, 02021, 7818215900 - 500,000 ($3,425,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112218 - Jan. 27) (BR. 02) S-3 SANFILIPPO JOHN B & SON INC, 2299 BUSSE RD, ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL, 60007-6057, 8475932300 - 0 ($110,078,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112221 - Jan. 27) (BR. 04) S-8 HOLOGIC INC, 35 CROSBY DRIVE, BEDFORD, MA, 01730, 7819997300 - 450,000 ($8,066,250.00) Equity, (File 333-112222 - Jan. 27) (BR. 36) S-3 DEUTSCHE ALT-A SECURITIES INC, 0 ($1,000,000,000.00) Mortgage Backed Securities, (File 333-112223 - Jan. 27) (BR. 05) S-3 DEUTSCHE MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC, 0 ($1,000,000,000.00) Mortgage Backed Securities, (File 333-112224 - Jan. 27) (BR. 05) S-8 KEYCORP /NEW/, 127 PUBLIC SQ, CLEVELAND, OH, 44114-1306, 2166896300 - 13,000,000 ($398,580,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112225 - Jan. 27) (BR. 07) S-8 MICROMEM TECHNOLOGIES INC, 1910-777 BAY STREET, TORONTO, ONTARIO, TORONTO, A6, M5G 2C8, 416-364-6513 - 5,300,000 ($2,120,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112226 - Jan. 27) (BR. 03) SB-2 FORCE PROTECTION INC, 2031 AVENUE B, BUILDING 44, NORTH CHARLESTON, SC, 29405, 8437407015 - 47,240,000 ($3,779,200.00) Equity, (File 333-112227 - Jan. 27) (BR. 06) S-8 DYNAMIC HEALTH PRODUCTS INC, 6950 BRYAN DAIRY ROAD, STE 325, LARGO, FL, 33777, 8136280804 - 500,000 ($300,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112228 - Jan. 27) (BR. 02) SB-2 TETON PETROLEUM CO, PO BOX 774327, STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO, 80477, 9708701417 - 4,825,651 ($23,163,126.07) Equity, (File 333-112229 - Jan. 27) (BR. 04) S-8 PLANETLINK COMMUNICATIONS INC, 404-8430123 - 0 ($1,250,700.00) Equity, (File 333-112230 - Jan. 27) (BR. 02) S-3 MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS INC, 4LD FINANCIAL CENTER FLOOR 10, NEW YORK, NY, 10281-1310, 2124491000 - 0 ($20,000,000,000.00) Asset-Backed Securities, (File 333-112231 - Jan. 27) (BR. 05) S-3 COLLEGIATE FUNDING OF DELAWARE LLC, 100 RIVERSIDE PARKWAY, SUITE 125, FREDERICKSBURG, VA, 22406, 5403741600 - 2,600,000,000 ($2,600,000,000.00) Asset-Backed Securities, (File 333-112232 - Jan. 27) (BR. 05) S-3 ALLSTATE LIFE INSURANCE CO, 3075 SANDERS RD, SUITE G4A, NORTHBROOK, IL, 60062, 8474025000 - 0 ($300,000,000.00) Other, (File 333-112233 - Jan. 27) (BR. 20) S-8 SUNCOR ENERGY INC, 112 4TH AVENUE SW PO BOX 38, CALGARY, ALBERTA CANADA, A0, T2P 2V5, 4032698100 - 0 ($15,780,000.00) Other, (File 333-112234 - Jan. 27) (BR. 04) S-8 GENESIS BIOVENTURES INC, 1A - 3033 KING GEORGE HIGHWAY, SURREY, BRITISH COLUMBIA CAN, A1, V4P 1B8, 6045420820 - 50,000 ($500.00) Other, (File 333-112235 - Jan. 27) (BR. 01) S-8 ATNG INC, 7010 NW 100 DRIVE, BLDG. A, STE. #101, HOUSTON, TX, 77092, 7137854722 - 0 ($1,800,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112236 - Jan. 27) (BR. 37) S-3 ARGENT SECURITIES INC, 1100 TOWN & COUNTRY RD, SUITE 1100, ORANGE, CA, 92868, 7145419960 - 0 ($10,000,000,000.00) Asset-Backed Securities, (File 333-112237 - Jan. 27) (BR. 05) S-8 TESSERA TECHNOLOGIES INC, 3099 ORCHARD DRIVE, SAN JOSE, CA, 95134, 4088940700 - 600,000 ($11,835,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112238 - Jan. 27) (BR. 36) S-3 CORAUTUS GENETICS INC, 6555 NANCY RIDGE DRIVE, N/A, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92121, 858-678-0000 - 0 ($22,517,010.84) Equity, (File 333-112239 - Jan. 27) (BR. 01) SB-2 BSD MEDICAL CORP, 2188 W 2200 SOUTH, SALT LAKE CITY, UT, 84119, 8019725555 - 2,162,580 ($2,703,225.00) Equity, (File 333-112240 - Jan. 27) (BR. 36) S-3 USAA ACCEPTANCE LLC, 10750 MCDERMOTT FREEWAY, SAN ANTONIO, TX, 78288, 2104987479 - 1 ($5,000,000,000.00) Asset-Backed Securities, (File 333-112241 - Jan. 27) (BR. 05) S-4 COMMERCIAL METALS CO, 6565 N. MACARTHUR BLVD., SUITE 800, P O BOX 1046, IRVING, TX, 75039, 2146894300 - 0 ($200,000,000.00) Non-Convertible Debt, (File 333-112243 - Jan. 27) (BR. 04) S-3 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE CO, 200 HOPMEADOW ST, P O BOX 2999, SIMSBURY, CT, 06089, 8608435445 - 0 ($2,000,000,000.00) Non-Convertible Debt, (File 333-112244 - Jan. 27) (BR. 20) SB-2 RDC INTERNATIONAL INC, 1819 MAIN STREET, SARASOTA, FL, 34236, 9413659955 - 15,379,847 ($46,139,541.00) Equity, (File 333-112245 - Jan. 27) (BR. 03) S-4 MORRIS PUBLISHING GROUP LLC, 725 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA, 30901, 7067240851 - 300,000,000 ($300,000,000.00) Non-Convertible Debt, (File 333-112246 - Jan. 27) (BR. ) S-8 VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORP, 741 CALLE PLANO, CAMARILLO, CA, 93012, 8053883700 - 8,500,000 ($66,470,000.00) Other, (File 333-112247 - Jan. 27) (BR. 36) S-8 BIOMASSE INTERNATIONAL INC, 7545240558 - 6,600,000 ($2,310,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112248 - Jan. 27) (BR. 04) S-3 ALLSTATE LIFE INSURANCE CO, 3075 SANDERS RD, SUITE G4A, NORTHBROOK, IL, 60062, 8474025000 - 0 ($4,000,000,000.00) Asset-Backed Securities, (File 333-112249 - Jan. 27) (BR. 20) S-B BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA, MINSTRY OF FINANCE, AVENIDA URDANETA ESQUINA DE CARMELITAS, CARACAS, X5, 00000, 582128021887 - 0 ($4,800,000,000.00) Non-Convertible Debt, (File 333-112250 - Jan. 27) (BR. 09) S-4 KEYSTONE AUTOMOTIVE OPERATIONS INC, 44 TUNKHANNOCK AVE, EXETER, PA, 18643, 5706032335 - 0 ($175,000,000.00) Non-Convertible Debt, (File 333-112252 - Jan. 27) (BR. ) S-8 COEUR D ALENE MINES CORP, 400 COEUR D ALENE MINES BLDG, 505 FRONT AVE, COEUR D ALENE, ID, 83814, 2086673511 - 6,800,000 ($41,344,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112253 - Jan. 27) (BR. 04) S-3 TIMBERLAND CO, 200 DOMAIN DR, STRATHAM, NH, 03885, 6037729500 - 0 ($323,317,400.00) Equity, (File 333-112254 - Jan. 27) (BR. 02) S-8 MICRON ENVIRO SYSTEMS INC, 789 WEST PENDER ST, SUITE 1250, VANCOUVER BC, A1, V6C 1H2, 6046466903 - 4,000,000 ($140,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112255 - Jan. 27) (BR. 06) S-4 SPANISH BROADCASTING SYSTEM INC, 3054416901 - 0 ($139,801,293.00) Equity, (File 333-112256 - Jan. 27) (BR. 37) S-3 UNITED STATES STEEL CORP, 600 GRANT ST, ROOM 1500, PITTSBURGH, PA, 15219-2800, 415 433 2967 - 600,000,000 ($600,000,000.00) Unallocated (Universal) Shelf, (File 333-112257 - Jan. 27) (BR. 06) S-1 ENDURANCE SPECIALTY HOLDINGS LTD, 4 PAR LA VILLE ROAD, HAMILTON HM 08 BERMUDA, D0, 00000, 441-278-0400 - 8,050,000 ($273,136,500.00) Equity, (File 333-112258 - Jan. 27) (BR. 01) S-3 CRIIMI MAE INC, 11200 ROCKVILLE PIKE, ROCKVILLE, MD, 20852, 3018162300 - 0 ($200,000,000.00) Other, (File 333-112259 - Jan. 27) (BR. 08) S-8 TARGET CORP, 1000 NICOLLET MALL, MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 55403, 6123706948 - 0 ($400,000,000.00) Other, (File 333-112260 - Jan. 27) (BR. 02) S-1 CYTOKINETICS INC, 280 EAST GRAND AVENUE, ., SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 94080, (650) 624-3000 - 0 ($86,250,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112261 - Jan. 27) (BR. ) S-3 INPUT OUTPUT INC, 11104 W AIRPORT BLVD, SUITE 200, STAFFORD, TX, 77477, 2819333339 - 0 ($60,000,000.00) Debt Convertible into Equity, (File 333-112263 - Jan. 27) (BR. 36) S-8 JABIL CIRCUIT INC, 10560 NINTH ST NORTH, ST PETERSBURG, FL, 33716, 7275779749 - 10,000,000 ($298,200,000.00) Equity, (File 333-112264 - Jan. 27) (BR. 36) RECENT 8K FILINGS Form 8-K is used by companies to file current reports on the following events: Item 1. Changes in Control of Registrant. Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition of Assets. Item 3. Bankruptcy or Receivership. Item 4. Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant. Item 5. Other Materially Important Events. Item 6. Resignations of Registrant's Directors. Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits. Item 8. Change in Fiscal Year. Item 9. Regulation FD Disclosure. Item 10. Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics. Item 11. Temporary Suspension of Trading Under Registrant's Employee Benefit Plans. Item 12. Results of Operations and Financial Condition. The following companies have filed 8-K reports for the date indicated and/or amendments to 8-K reports previously filed, responding to the item(s) of the form specified. 8-K reports may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at the following e-mail box address: . In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: . STATE 8K ITEM NO. NAME OF ISSUER CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DATE COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES INC NV X 01/20/04 AMEND A CONSULTING TEAM INC NY X X 01/26/04 ABERDENE MINES LTD X X 01/27/04 ABIGAIL ADAMS NATIONAL BANCORP INC DE X X 12/31/03 ADVANCED FIBRE COMMUNICATIONS INC DE X 01/27/04 ADVANCED MARKETING SERVICES INC DE X 01/27/04 ADVANTAGE MARKETING SYSTEMS INC/OK OK X X 01/16/04 AGCO CORP /DE DE X X 12/19/03 AGERE SYSTEMS INC DE X X 01/27/04 AIRGAS INC DE X X 01/27/04 ALCOA INC PA X 01/22/04 ALLIANCE RESOURCE PARTNERS LP DE X X 01/26/04 AMAZON COM INC DE X 01/27/04 AMERICAN EXPRESS CO NY X 01/26/04 AMERICAN SHARED HOSPITAL SERVICES CA X X 01/27/04 AMERICAN SKIING CO /ME DE X 01/27/04 AMERICAN TOWER CORP /MA/ DE X X 01/27/04 AMERICAN WATER STAR INC NV X 01/26/04 AMERISERV FINANCIAL INC /PA/ PA X 12/31/03 AMERUS GROUP CO/IA IA X 01/27/04 AMPHENOL CORP /DE/ DE X X 01/21/04 AMEND ANAREN INC NY X X 01/27/04 APPLEBEES INTERNATIONAL INC DE X X 01/26/04 ARBITRON INC DE X X 01/27/04 ARCHSTONE SMITH TRUST CO X 12/31/03 ARGAN INC DE X X 01/27/04 ARGAN INC DE X X 07/17/03 AMEND ARMOR HOLDINGS INC DE X X 01/27/04 ART TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC DE X 01/27/04 ARTEMIS INTERNATIONAL SOLUTIONS CORP DE X X 01/23/04 ARTESYN TECHNOLOGIES INC FL X X 01/27/04 ATA HOLDINGS CORP IN X X 01/26/04 ATARI INC DE X 01/27/04 AVAYA INC DE X X 01/27/04 AVERY DENNISON CORPORATION DE X X 01/27/04 AVI BIOPHARMA INC OR X X 01/26/04 AVX CORP DE X 01/27/04 BANC OF AMERICA COMM MORT PASS THR CE DE X X 01/24/04 BANCORP RHODE ISLAND INC X X 01/27/04 BANK OF HAWAII CORP DE X 01/26/04 BANKUNITED FINANCIAL CORP FL X X 01/27/04 BANNER CORP WA X X 01/27/04 BANYAN CORP /OR/ OR X X 01/14/03 BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC DE X 01/26/04 BAY VIEW SECURITIZATION CORP DE X 01/15/04 BAY VIEW TRANSACTION CORP X 01/15/04 BEAR STEARN COMMERCIAL MORT PASS THRO DE X X 01/18/04 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE X X 01/27/04 BEAR STEARNS COMMERCIAL MORT SEC TRU DE X X 01/15/03 BEAR STEARNS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECU DE X X 12/15/03 BEAZER HOMES USA INC DE X X 01/27/04 BECTON DICKINSON & CO NJ X X 01/27/04 BI-OPTIC VENTURES INC X 01/26/04 BLAIR CORP DE X X 01/27/04 BMC SOFTWARE INC DE X X 01/27/04 BMW VEHICLE OWNER TRUST 2001-A DE X 01/26/04 BMW VEHICLE OWNER TRUST 2002-A X 01/26/04 BMW VEHICLE OWNER TRUST 2003-A X 01/26/04 BOMBARDIER RECEIVABLES MASTER TRUST I DE X 12/31/03 BOMBARDIER RECEIVABLES MASTER TRUST I DE X 12/31/03 BOSTONFED BANCORP INC DE X X X 01/27/04 BRE PROPERTIES INC /MD/ MD X X 01/26/04 BREMER FINANCIAL CORP MN X X 12/31/03 BROADCOM CORP CA X X 01/27/04 BROOKS AUTOMATION INC DE X X 01/27/04 BUFFETS INC MN X X 01/27/04 BUFFETS INC MN X X 01/27/04 BULLDOG TECHNOLOGIES INC NV X 01/26/04 BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE CORP DE X X 01/27/04 C-CHIP TECHNOLOGIES CORP NV X X 01/26/04 CACTUS NEW MEDIA I INC DE X X 01/19/04 AMEND CALIFORNIA STEEL INDUSTRIES INC X 01/26/04 CAMDEN NATIONAL CORP ME X X 01/27/04 CANCERVAX CORP DE X 01/27/04 CARDINAL MINERALS INC NV X X 12/29/03 CASCADE FINANCIAL CORP DE X X 12/31/03 CASTSM STEP-UP TRUST III DE X X 01/26/04 CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP DE X 12/31/03 CATERPILLAR INC DE X 01/27/03 CATERPILLAR INC DE X 01/27/04 CBQ INC CO X 12/01/03 AMEND CELERITEK INC/CA CA X X 01/27/04 CELL GENESYS INC DE X X 10/27/03 CELLEGY PHARMACEUTICALS INC CA X X 01/27/04 CENTRAL PACIFIC FINANCIAL CORP HI X 01/27/04 CEPHALON INC DE X X 01/23/04 CHEESECAKE FACTORY INCORPORATED DE X 01/27/04 CHENIERE ENERGY INC DE X X 01/26/04 AMEND CHESAPEAKE CORP /VA/ VA X 01/27/04 CHESTERFIELD FINANCIAL CORP X X 01/26/04 CHOICEONE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC MI X X 01/27/04 CIMNET INC/PA DE X X X 01/23/04 CINCINNATI FINANCIAL CORP DE X 01/27/04 CIT HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST 2002-1 DE X X 12/31/03 CIT HOME EQUITY TRUST 2002-2 DE X X 12/31/03 CITICORP MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE X 01/27/04 CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE X 01/26/04 CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE X 01/26/04 CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE X 01/26/04 CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE X 01/26/04 CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE X 01/26/04 CITIZENS FIRST FINANCIAL CORP DE X 01/26/04 CNF INC DE X X 01/26/04 COACTIVE MARKETING GROUP INC DE X 01/26/04 COHERENT INC DE X X 01/27/04 COLE NATIONAL CORP /DE/ DE X X 01/23/04 COLE NATIONAL GROUP INC DE X X 01/23/04 COLONIAL PROPERTIES TRUST AL X 01/27/04 COMET TECHNOLOGIES INC NV X X 01/19/04 COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERT DE X X 01/16/04 COMTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP /DE/ DE X X 01/27/04 CONNECTICUT BANCSHARES INC/DE DE X X 01/26/04 CONNETICS CORP DE X 01/05/04 CONNETICS CORP DE X X 01/27/04 COOPER INDUSTRIES LTD X X 01/27/04 CORTS TRUST II FOR FORD NOTES DE X X 01/26/04 COUSINS PROPERTIES INC GA X X 01/26/04 AMEND CREDIT ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION MI X X 01/27/04 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON MOR SEC CO DE X X 12/15/03 CROSS COUNTRY HEALTHCARE INC DE X X X X 01/22/04 CSB BANCORP INC /OH OH X X 01/27/04 CSFB COMMERCIAL MORT PASS THR CERTS S DE X X 01/15/03 CSFB MORT SEC CORP COM MORT PAS THR C DE X X 01/15/03 CSFB MORTGAGE SEC CORP COMM MORT PASS DE X X 01/15/03 CSFB MORTGAGE SEC CORP COMM MORT PS T DE X X 12/24/03 CSG SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL INC DE X X 01/27/04 CSX CORP VA X X 01/27/04 CTS CORP IN X 01/27/04 CYBERGUARD CORP FL X X 01/27/04 CYMER INC NV X X 01/27/04 CYTRX CORP DE X X 01/20/04 DENDREON CORP DE X X 01/27/04 DIGITAL IMPACT INC /DE/ DE X X 01/27/04 DJ ORTHOPEDICS INC DE X X 01/26/04 DOVER CORP DE X 01/26/04 DOVER INVESTMENTS CORP DE X X 01/27/04 DOW JONES & CO INC DE X X 01/26/04 DSP GROUP INC /DE/ DE X X 01/27/04 DUPONT E I DE NEMOURS & CO DE X X 12/31/03 EARTHLINK INC DE X X 01/27/04 EAST PENN FINANCIAL CORP X X 01/26/04 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC DE X X 01/27/04 ELECTRONICS FOR IMAGING INC DE X X 01/27/04 EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES INC X X 01/27/04 EMISPHERE TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X 01/27/04 EMULEX CORP /DE/ DE X X 01/27/04 EMULEX CORP /DE/ DE X X 11/13/03 AMEND ENDOCARDIAL SOLUTIONS INC DE X X 01/26/04 ENERGY CORP OF AMERICA WV X X 01/27/04 ENTRUST INC MD X X 01/27/04 EXACT SCIENCES CORP DE X 01/26/04 EXACT SCIENCES CORP DE X 01/26/04 FALMOUTH BANCORP INC DE X X 01/26/04 FASTENAL CO MN X X 01/20/04 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION X 01/23/04 FFD FINANCIAL CORP/OH OH X X 01/23/04 FIRST COMMUNITY BANCORP /CA/ CA X X 01/26/04 FIRST COMMUNITY BANCSHARES INC /NV/ NV X X 01/27/04 FIRST FEDERAL BANCSHARES OF ARKANSAS TX X X 01/26/04 FIRST HARTFORD CORP ME X 01/23/04 FIRST HORIZON ASSET SECURITIES INC DE X X 01/27/04 FIRST HORIZON ASSET SECURITIES INC DE X X 01/27/04 FIRST UNION COM MOR SEC INC COM MOR P NY X X 01/16/04 FIRST UNION COMM MORT TRUST COMM MOR NY X X 01/15/04 FIRST UNION COMM MORT TRUST COMM MOR NY X X 01/16/03 FIRST UNION COMM MORT TRUST COMM MOR NY X X 01/15/04 FIRST UNION COMM MORT TRUST COMM MOR NY X X 01/17/04 FIRST UNION COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE PASS NC X X 01/18/04 FIRST UNION LEH BRO BANK OF AMER COM NY X X 01/16/04 FIRST UNION LEH BRO BANK OF AMER COM NY X X 01/16/04 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK COM MORT PA NC X X 01/18/04 FIRSTBANK CORP MI X X 01/27/04 FIRSTBANK NW CORP WA X X 01/27/04 FIRSTSERVICE CORP X 01/27/04 FLEXTRONICS INTERNATIONAL LTD X X 01/27/04 FNB BANCORP/CA/ X X 01/26/04 FNB CORP/NC NC X 01/26/04 FOREST OIL CORP NY X X 01/26/04 FREEMARKETS INC DE X X X 01/23/04 FREEPORT MCMORAN COPPER & GOLD INC DE X 01/27/04 FULTON FINANCIAL CORP PA X X 01/27/04 G&K SERVICES INC MN X X 01/27/04 GATEWAY FINANCIAL HOLDINGS INC NC X X 01/26/04 GE COMMERCIAL MORT CORP COM MORT PS T DE X X 01/15/04 GENERAL GROWTH PROPERTIES INC DE X X X 01/26/04 GENTEX CORP MI X X X 01/27/04 GMAC COMMERICAL MORT SECS INC SERS 20 DE X X 01/15/04 GMACM HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST 2003-HE2 DE X 01/26/04 GRAFTECH INTERNATIONAL LTD DE X 01/27/04 GRANDSOUTH BANCORPORATION SC X X 01/22/04 GREATER BAY BANCORP CA X X X 01/23/04 GREENPOINT MORTGAGE SECURITIES LLC DE X 01/27/04 GROUP 1 AUTOMOTIVE INC DE X X 01/26/04 GROUP 1 AUTOMOTIVE INC DE X X 01/27/04 GS MORTGAGE SEC CORP II COMM MORT PAS DE X X 01/16/03 HAGGAR CORP NV X X 01/27/04 HALF ROBERT INTERNATIONAL INC /DE/ DE X X 01/27/04 HANCOCK JOHN LIFE INSURANCE CO MA X X 01/26/04 HANMI FINANCIAL CORP DE X X X 01/26/04 HARRIS CORP /DE/ DE X 01/27/04 HAVANA GROUP INC DE X X 12/31/03 HEALTH CARE PROPERTY INVESTORS INC MD X 01/27/04 HEALTH CARE PROPERTY INVESTORS INC MD X X 01/22/04 HEARTLAND EXPRESS INC NV X X 12/31/03 HEMISPHERX BIOPHARMA INC DE X X 01/27/04 HERCULES INC DE X 01/26/04 HEXCEL CORP /DE/ DE X X X 01/26/04 HMN FINANCIAL INC DE X X 01/22/04 HOME FEDERAL BANCORP IN X X 01/27/04 HOST MARRIOTT CORP/ MD X X 11/13/03 AMEND HOST MARRIOTT L P DE X X 11/13/03 AMEND HOUSEHOLD AUTOMOTIVE TRUST 2003-2 NV X 01/20/04 HOUSEHOLD MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2002 HC X 10/15/03 HOUSEHOLD MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2002 HC X 01/20/04 HOUSEHOLD MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2003-HC DE X 01/20/04 HOUSEHOLD MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2003-HC DE X 01/20/04 HURRY INC GA X X 01/20/04 I/OMAGIC CORP NV X 01/27/04 ILEX ONCOLOGY INC DE X X 01/27/04 ILLUMINA INC CA X X 01/27/04 IMATION CORP DE X 01/27/04 IMC GLOBAL INC DE X X X 01/26/04 IMPATH INC DE X X 01/22/04 INET TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X 01/27/04 INGERSOLL RAND CO LTD X 12/31/03 INLAND WESTERN RETAIL REAL ESTATE TRU MD X X 01/16/04 INTEGRA BANK CORP IN X X 01/26/04 INTERACTIVE INTELLIGENCE INC IN X 01/27/04 INTERPUBLIC GROUP OF COMPANIES INC DE X X 01/12/04 INTERWOVEN INC CA X 11/18/03 AMEND INVESTMENT TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC DE X 01/27/04 J CREW GROUP INC NY X 01/26/04 JP MORGAN CHASE COM MORT SEC CORP PAS DE X X 01/18/04 JUNO LIGHTING INC DE X X X 11/30/03 KEY TRONIC CORP WA X 01/27/04 KEYCORP STUDENT LOAN TRUST 2000-B DE X X 01/26/04 KEYCORP STUDENT LOAN TRUST 2003-A DE X X 01/26/04 KOGER EQUITY INC FL X X 01/26/04 KRAFT FOODS INC VA X X 01/27/04 KYPHON INC DE X X 01/27/04 LA QUINTA PROPERTIES INC DE X 12/30/03 LABORATORY CORP OF AMERICA HOLDINGS DE X 01/27/04 LAIDLAW INTERNATIONAL INC DE X X 01/27/04 LEHMAN ABS CORP BACKED TRUST CERTS SE DE X X 01/15/04 LEHMAN ABS CORP BACKED TRUST CERTS SE DE X X 01/15/04 LEHMAN ABS CORP BACKED TRUST CERTS SE DE X X 01/15/04 LEHMAN ABS CORP BACKED TRUST CERTS SE DE X X 01/15/04 LEHMAN ABS CORP PRUDENTIAL FINANCIAL DE X X 01/15/04 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP MD X X 01/27/04 MAF BANCORP INC DE X X 12/01/03 AMEND MAIN PLACE FUNDING LLC DE X 01/27/04 MAINSOURCE FINANCIAL GROUP IN X X 01/27/04 MANUFACTURED HOME COMMUNITIES INC MD X X 01/27/04 MANUFACTURED HOME COMMUNITIES INC MD X 01/27/04 MANUFACTURED HOME COMMUNITIES INC MD X 01/27/04 MARATHON OIL CORP DE X X 01/27/04 MARCONI CORP PLC X0 X 01/27/04 MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES INC NY X X 01/27/04 MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY INC NY X X 01/26/04 MEDIS TECHNOLOGIES LTD DE X X 01/26/04 MEMBERWORKS INC DE X X 01/27/04 MEMC ELECTRONIC MATERIALS INC DE X 01/27/04 MENTOR CORP /MN/ MN X X 12/31/03 MERCK & CO INC NJ X X X 01/27/04 MEREDITH CORP IA X 01/27/04 MEREDITH CORP IA X 01/27/04 MERRILL LYNCH MORT INV INC MORT LN AS DE X X 01/26/04 METROPOLITAN MORTGAGE & SECURITIES CO WA X X X X X 01/20/04 MID PENN BANCORP INC PA X X 01/23/04 MIDCAROLINA FINANCIAL CORP NC X X 01/26/04 MIDDLEFIELD BANC CORP OH X 01/26/04 MIDSOUTH BANCORP INC LA X 01/26/04 MIIX GROUP INC DE X 01/26/04 MILLENNIUM CAPITAL VENTURE HOLDINGS I DE X 03/31/03 AMEND MILLENNIUM PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE X 01/27/04 MILLER INDUSTRIES INC /TN/ TN X X 01/20/04 MOBIUS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS INC DE X 01/27/04 MORGAN STANLEY ABS CAPITAL I INC DE X X 01/26/04 MORGAN STANLEY ABS CAPITAL I INC DE X X 01/23/04 MORGAN STANLEY ABS CAPITAL I INC DE X X 01/22/04 MORGAN STANLEY CAPITAL I TRUST 2003-I DE X X 01/15/04 MORGAN STANLEY COMM MORT PASS THR CER DE X X 01/15/03 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTER CAP I INC DE X X 01/17/04 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTER CAPITAL I DE X X 01/15/04 MORGAN STANLEY DEAN WITTER CAPITAL I DE X X 01/20/04 MORTGAGE ASSET SECURITIZATION TRANSAC DE X 01/26/04 MORTGAGE ASSET SECURITIZATION TRANSAC DE X 01/27/04 MS STRUCTURED ASSET CORP DE X 01/01/04 MS STRUCTURED ASSET CORP DE X 01/01/04 MS STRUCTURED ASSET CORP DE X 01/01/04 MS STRUCTURED ASSET CORP DE X 01/01/04 MS STRUCTURED SATURNS SERIES 2002-5 DE X 01/01/04 N-VIRO INTERNATIONAL CORP DE X 01/27/04 NASB FINANCIAL INC MO X 01/27/04 NAVISTAR FINANCIAL RETAIL RECEIVABLES DE X 12/31/03 NAVISTAR FINANCIAL SECURITIES CORP DE X 12/31/03 NCR CORP MD X 01/27/04 NELNET STUDENT LOAN FUNDING LLC X X 01/26/04 NELNET STUDENT LOAN FUNDING LLC X X 01/26/04 NEOPHARM INC DE X X 01/27/04 NETIQ CORP X X 01/27/04 NETWORKS ASSOCIATES INC/ DE X X 01/27/04 NEW YORK TIMES CO NY X X 01/27/04 NII HOLDINGS INC DE X X 01/27/04 NISSAN AUTO LEASING LLC II DE X 01/15/04 NISSAN AUTO RECEIVABLES 2003-B OWNER DE X 01/15/04 NISSAN AUTO RECEIVABLES 2003-C OWNER DE X 01/15/04 NISSAN MASTER OWNER TRUST RECEIVABLES DE X 01/15/04 NORTH CENTRAL BANCSHARES INC IA X X 01/26/04 NORTHEAST UTILITIES SYSTEM MA X X 12/31/03 NORTHWEST INDIANA BANCORP IN X X 01/26/04 NORWOOD FINANCIAL CORP PA X X 01/26/04 NPTEST HOLDING CORP DE X X 01/27/04 NUANCE COMMUNICATIONS CA X 12/31/03 NVR INC VA X X 01/27/04 OHIO CASUALTY CORP OH X 01/27/04 OMEGA FINANCIAL CORP /PA/ PA X X 01/26/04 OMEGA HEALTHCARE INVESTORS INC MD X 01/26/04 OMNOVA SOLUTIONS INC OH X X 01/26/04 ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP DE X 01/27/04 ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP DE X X 01/27/04 ONYX PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE X X 01/26/04 OXFORD INDUSTRIES INC GA X 01/27/04 PAIN THERAPEUTICS INC DE X X 01/27/04 PALWEB CORP X 01/26/04 PDF SOLUTIONS INC DE X X 01/27/04 PENNSYLVANIA COMMERCE BANCORP INC X X 01/27/04 PEOPLES ENERGY CORP IL X X 01/27/04 PEOPLES ENERGY CORP IL X 01/27/04 PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP INC DE X X 12/27/03 PERFICIENT INC DE X X 01/27/04 PERICOM SEMICONDUCTOR CORP CA X X 01/27/04 PHARSIGHT CORP CA X 01/27/04 PHASE III MEDICAL INC/DE DE X X 01/20/04 PILGRIMS PRIDE CORP DE X 01/27/04 PILGRIMS PRIDE CORP DE X 01/27/04 PILGRIMS PRIDE CORP DE X 01/27/04 AMEND PIXELWORKS INC OR X X 01/27/04 PMI GROUP INC DE X X 01/27/04 POGO PRODUCING CO DE X X X 01/27/04 PORTLAND BREWING CO /OR/ OR X 01/26/04 POTOMAC BANCSHARES INC WV X X 01/23/04 POWER INTEGRATIONS INC CA X X 01/22/04 PRICESMART INC DE X X 01/22/04 PRIMECORE MORTGAGE TRUST INC MD X 01/27/04 PRINCETON NATIONAL BANCORP INC DE X X 01/26/04 PROXIM CORP DE X X 01/27/04 PRUDENTIAL SECURITIES SEC FIN CORP CO DE X X 01/15/03 PRUDENTIAL SECURITIES SEC FIN CORP CO DE X X 12/15/03 PTEK HOLDINGS INC GA X X 12/19/03 AMEND PULASKI FINANCIAL CORP DE X X 01/26/04 PUREZZA GROUP INC X 01/27/04 QUAKER CITY BANCORP INC DE X X 01/22/04 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC DE X X 01/27/04 RANGE RESOURCES CORP DE X X 01/26/04 RAYTHEON CO/ DE X X 01/27/04 REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES LTD VII CA X X 01/21/04 REDENVELOPE INC DE X X 01/27/04 RESIDENTIAL ACCREDIT LOANS INC DE X X 01/26/04 RETEK INC DE X X 01/27/04 RETRACTABLE TECHNOLOGIES INC TX X X 01/26/04 RJ REYNOLDS TOBACCO HOLDINGS INC DE X 01/27/04 ROCHESTER MEDICAL CORPORATION MN X X 01/20/04 ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC DE X 01/27/04 ROCKWELL COLLINS INC DE X 01/27/04 ROYAL BANCSHARES OF PENNSYLVANIA INC PA X X 12/31/03 RTI INTERNATIONAL METALS INC OH X 01/27/04 SANGUINE CORP NV X X 12/11/03 AMEND SANTA FE ENERGY TRUST TX X X 01/27/04 SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC DE X 12/31/03 SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA INC GA X 01/22/04 SCOTTS COMPANY OH X X 01/27/04 SELIGMAN NEW TECHNOLOGIES FUND INC X 01/27/04 SEROLOGICALS CORP DE X X 12/19/03 SIERRA BANCORP CA X X 01/27/04 SIGNATURE LEISURE INC CO X 01/22/03 SILICON LABORATORIES INC DE X X 01/26/04 SIMPSON MANUFACTURING CO INC /CA/ DE X 01/27/04 SIRENZA MICRODEVICES INC DE X X 01/27/04 SIRIUS SATELLITE RADIO INC DE X 01/27/04 SMURFIT STONE CONTAINER CORP DE X X 01/27/04 SOMERA COMMUNICATIONS INC DE X X 01/27/04 SONIC INNOVATIONS INC DE X X 01/26/04 SORRENTO NETWORKS CORP NJ X X 01/26/04 SOUTH FINANCIAL GROUP INC SC X 01/27/04 SOUTHERN MISSOURI BANCORP INC DE X 01/22/04 SOUTHWEST GEORGIA FINANCIAL CORP GA X 01/23/04 SPARTA INC /DE DE X X 01/22/04 SPIEGEL INC DE X 01/27/04 SPORTSNUTS INC DE X X 01/22/04 STERLING FINANCIAL CORP /PA/ PA X X 01/27/04 STERLING FINANCIAL CORP /WA/ WA X X 01/27/04 STRUCTURED ASSET SEC CORP MORT PASSTH DE X X 01/26/04 STRUCTURED PROD CORP STEP UP TR CREDI DE X X 01/26/04 STRUCTURED PRODUCTS CORP DE X X 01/26/04 STRUCTURED PRODUCTS CORP CAST SM STEP DE X X 01/26/04 STRUCTURED PRODUCTS CORP MONTHLY PAY DE X X 01/26/04 SUMMIT SECURITIES INC /ID/ ID X X X X 01/20/04 SUN CITY INDUSTRIES INC DE X 01/26/04 SVB FINANCIAL SERVICES INC NJ X X 01/26/04 SYBRON DENTAL SPECIALTIES INC DE X 01/26/04 TAIWAN FUND INC DE X 10/01/03 TALK AMERICA HOLDINGS INC DE X X 01/08/04 TALKPOINT COMMUNICATIONS INC DE X X 01/14/04 TARGETED GENETICS CORP /WA/ WA X 01/26/04 TARRANT APPAREL GROUP CA X X 01/23/04 TAYLOR CAPITAL GROUP INC DE X 01/27/04 TEKRON INC DE X 01/27/04 TENNECO AUTOMOTIVE INC DE X X X 01/27/04 TERAYON COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS DE X X 01/27/04 TESSERA TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X X 01/27/04 TEXAS CAPITAL BANCSHARES INC/TX DE X X 01/21/04 TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT INC IN X 01/27/04 TRANSACTION SYSTEMS ARCHITECTS INC DE X X 01/27/04 TRANSNATIONAL FINANCIAL NETWORK INC CA X 01/14/04 TRUSTMARK CORP MS X X X 01/27/04 UAL CORP /DE/ DE X X 12/31/03 UAL CORP /DE/ DE X X 12/31/03 UGOMEDIA INTERACTIVE CORP NV X X 01/21/04 UIL HOLDINGS CORP CT X X 01/26/04 UNI MARTS INC DE X X 01/27/04 UNITED COMMUNITY BANKS INC GA X X 01/27/04 UNITED DEFENSE INDUSTRIES INC DE X X 01/27/04 UNITY BANCORP INC /DE/ DE X X 01/26/04 UNIVERSAL ACCESS GLOBAL HOLDINGS INC DE X 01/20/04 UNIVERSAL AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES INC / DE X X X 01/12/04 UNIVERSAL COMPRESSION HOLDINGS INC DE X X 01/27/04 UNIZAN FINANCIAL CORP OH X X 01/27/04 VALERO ENERGY CORP/TX DE X X 01/27/04 VIASAT INC CA X X 01/27/04 VISION SCIENCES INC /DE/ DE X 01/27/04 VISX INC DE X X 01/27/04 VITAL IMAGES INC MN X X X 01/26/04 WACHOVIA COMM MORT SEC INC COM MORT P NC X X 01/15/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORT PASS THRU CE NC X X 01/15/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORT PASS THRU CE NC X X 01/15/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORT SEC INC PAS NC X X 01/15/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORT SEC INC COM NC X X 01/15/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORT SEC INC COM NC X X 01/15/04 WEBMD CORP /NEW/ DE X X 01/27/04 WESTERN UNITED HOLDING CO WA X X X X X 01/20/04 WHEELING ISLAND GAMING INC DE X X 01/26/04 WINNEBAGO INDUSTRIES INC IA X X 01/27/04 WIZZARD SOFTWARE CORP /CO CO X 01/22/04 WOODWARD GOVERNOR CO DE X 01/26/04 WORLDSPAN L P DE X X 01/26/04 XEROX CORP NY X 01/27/04 YARDVILLE NATIONAL BANCORP NJ X X 01/26/04 ZIONS BANCORPORATION /UT/ UT X X 01/27/04 ZYGO CORP DE X X 01/27/04 GALLAGHER ARTHUR J & CO DE X 01/27/04 L 3 COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS INC DE X X X 01/26/04