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International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

Joseph A. Spetrini

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping
Countervailing Duty Enforcement III

Joe Spetrini is currently the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping/ Countervailing Duty Enforcement - Group III, Import Administration (formerly Compliance). He is responsible for a variety of import programs and policies.

Joe was a key person in the negotiations and implementations of the uranium antidumping suspension agreements with Russia and several other Commonwealth of Independent States. More recently, he concluded similar agreements on carbon steel plate from Russia, Ukraine, and China. He has administered a variety of unfair trade investigations and programs. Joe has administered a broad range of other trade measures including those involving steel imports from various coutries, semiconductors from Japan, machine tools from Japan and Taiwan and lumber from Canada. In addition to administering various agreements, Joe's office also conducts antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) law investigations as well as annual reviews of existing AD and CVD measures. Antidumping and countervailing duty measures are designed to offset unfair foreign trade practices which injure U.S. industries and workers.

Joe handled worker trade adjustment assitance cases in the Labor Department in 1975-76 and moved to Commerce's Office of International Trade Policy to work on the Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations during 1976-78. During 1978-80, he worked in U.S. Customs Headquarters, participating in various import programs, including the trigger price mechanism for steel imports. From 1981 through early 1986, he worked in the Commerce Department on the import problems of the U.S. steel indutsry. As the Director of the Office of Agreements Compliance, Joe played a key role in the negotiation and implementation of the President's program for the steel industry. From early 1986 until his appointment as Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Compliance in September 1988, he was the Deputy to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import Administration, participating in the management of a broad range of import programs and policies. From January 20, 1993, to April 1, 1994, Joe served as the Acting Assistant Secretary for Import Administration, and as such was responsible for the full range of import activities in which the Department of Commerce was involved. During a 1996 reorganization of Import Administration, his title was changed to DAS for Group III.

Joe was born in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1946. He received his high school diploma from LaSalle Academy in Providence in 1964, a B.A. in English from Manhatten College in New York in 1970, an M.A. in English from Rhode Island College in 1974, and an M.A. in economics from the University of Rhode Island in 1975. Joe is a Navy Veteran. He taught English at Mitchell Junior College in New London, Connecticut, for two years before studying economics. After his graduate study in economics, he went to work for the U.S. government.

Joe lives in Mitchellville, Maryland, with his wife Marguerite, his daughter, Andrea, and son, Joey.




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