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International Trade Administration, 
U.S. Department of Commerce 

Jeri Jensen-Moran

Executive Director for Trade Promotion and Policy Coordination

Jeri Jensen-Moran serves as Executive Director for Trade Promotion and Policy Coordination in the Office of the Under Secretary for International Trade. In this capacity she ensures the Department of Commerce has an agreed set of export promotion priorities that help U.S. companies take full advantage of the Administration's trade policy accomplishments. To do this, she oversees ITA's strategic planning process and formulates long-term, cross-cutting trade initiatives that will strengthen ITA's programs and improve coordination of those programs throughout the federal government. She coordinates a network of 20 government agencies chaired by the Secretary of Commerce to develop and implement the National Export Strategy - a government-wide strategy to improve federal trade promotion and finance programs. She also is charged with developing and promoting ITA's position on trade policy issues and ongoing bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations in the interagency process. She has focused specifically on improving the competitiveness of agency trade promotion programs, developing government-wide commercial strategies for our most important export markets, improving federal/state cooperation on export promotion and developing a government-wide strategy to increase small business exports.

Ms. Jensen-Moran has served at the Department of Commerce since 1987. During her tenure at Commerce she has spent one year at the White House National Security Council coordinating economic and trade policy issues related to the Summit of the Americas (1994) and a six-month assignment as senior advisor to the Chairman of the Export-Import Bank in 2000. Previously at the Commerce Department she directed the policy review, strategic planning, and coordination of ITA policy process in the Office of the Under Secretary for ITA. She has also developed and coordinated positions on trade policy issues that affect U.S. industry, particularly those related to the Uruguay Round and NAFTA negotiations.

Prior to her work at the Commerce Department, Ms. Jensen-Moran was senior economist to the Chairwoman of the International Trade Commission. She also worked as a consultant in private industry.

Ms. Jensen-Moran holds a B.A. in Political Science from Northwestern University and an M.S. in Foreign Service from Georgetown University. She is a native of California and now
resides in Bethesda, Maryland. She is married and has an 11 year old daughter.

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