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NHIS Bibliography - Diet & Nutrition Studies

Bandera EV. Re: Diet and lung cancer mortality: a 1987 National Health Interview Survey cohort study. Cancer Causes Control 2001;12(6):577-8.

Block G, Subar AF. Estimates of nutrient intake from a food frequency questionnaire: the 1987 National Health Interview Survey. J Am Diet Assoc 1992;92(8):96977.

Breslow RA, Subar AF, Patterson BH, Block G. Trends in food intake: the 1987 and 1992 National Health Interview Surveys. Nutr Cancer 1997;28(1):86-92.

Breslow RA, Sorkin JD, Frey CM, Kessler LG. American's knowledge of cancer risk and survival. Prev Med 1997;26(2):170-7.*

Breslow RA, Graubard BI, Sinha R, Subar AF. Diet and lung cancer mortality: a 1987 National Health Interview Survey cohort study. Cancer Causes Control 2000;11(5):419-31.

Cotugna N, Subar AF, Heimendinger J, Kahle L. Nutrition and cancer prevention knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and practices: the 1987 National Health Interview Survey. J Am Diet Assoc 1992;92(8):963-8.

Cremer SA, Kessler LG. The fat and fiber content of foods: what Americans know. J Nutr Educ 1992;24(3):149-52.

Girois SB, Kumanyika SK, Morabia A, Mauger E. A comparison of knowledge and attitudes about diet and health among 35-to-75-year-old adults in the United States and Geneva, Switzerland. Am J Public Health 2001;91(3):418-24.

Harlan LC, Block G. Use of adjustment factors with a brief food frequency questionnaire to obtain nutrient values. Epidemiology 1990;1(3):224-31.

Hamack L, Block G, Subar A, Lane S, Brand R. Association of cancer prevention-related nutrition knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes to cancer prevention dietary behavior. J Am Diet Assoc 1997;97(9):957-65.

Harnack L, Block G, Subar A, Lane S. Cancer prevention-related nutrition knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes of U.S. adults: 1992 NHIS Cancer Epidemiology Supplement. J Nutr Educ 1998;30(3):131-8.

Jepson C, Kessler LG, Portnoy B, Gibbs T. Black-white differences in cancer prevention knowledge and behavior. Am J Public Health 1991;81(4):501-4.*

Kamimoto LA, Easton AN, Husten CG, Macera CA. Surveillance for five health risks among older adults -- United States, 1993-1997. MMWR Morb Mort Wkly Rep 1999;48(8):89-130.*

Lowry R, Kann L, Collins JL, Kolbe LJ. The effect of socioeconomic status on chronic disease risk behaviors among U.S. adolescents. JAMA 1996;276(10):792-7.*

Millen AE, Dodd KW, Subar AF. Use of vitamin, mineral, nonvitamin, and nonmineral supplements in the United States: The 1987, 1992, and 2000 National Health Interview Survey results. J Am Diet Assoc 2004;104(6):942-50.

Nebeling LC, Forman MR, Graubard BI, Snyder RA. Specific and total carotenoid intakes among oral contraceptive and estrogen hormone users in the United States. J Am Coll Nutr 1996;15(6):608-13.

Nebeling LC, Forman MR, Graubard BI, Snyder RA. The impact of lifestyle characteristics on carotenoid intake in the United States: the 1987 National Health Interview Survey. Am J Public Health 1997;87(2):268-71.

Nebeling LC, Forman MR, Graubard BI, Snyder RA. Changes in carotenoid intake in the United States: the 1987 and 1992 National Health Interview Surveys. J Am Diet Assoc 1997;97(9):991­6.

Norris J, Harnack L, Carmichael S, Pouane T, Wakimoto, Block G. U.S. trends in nutrient intake: the 1987 and 1992 National Health Interview Surveys. Am J Public Health 1997;87(5):740-6.

Patterson BH, Harlan LC, Block G, Kahle L. Food choices of whites, blacks, and Hispanics:data from the 1987 National Health Interview Survey. Nutr Cancer 1995;23(2):105-19.

Slesinski MJ, Subar AF, Kahle LL. Trends in vitamin and mineral supplements in the United States: the 1987 and 1992 National Health Interview Surveys. J Am Diet Assoc 1995;95(8):921­3.

Slesinski MJ, Subar AF, Kahle LL. Dietary intake of fat, fiber and other nutrients is related to the use of vitamin and mineral supplements in the United States: the 1992 National Health Interview Survey. J Nutr 1996;126(12):3001-8.

Subar AF, Block G. Use of vitamin and mineral supplements: demographics and amounts of nutrients consumed. Am J Epidemiol 1990;132(6):1091-101.

Subar AF, Harlan LC. Nutrient and food group intake by tobacco use status: the 1987 National Health Interview Survey. Ann NY Acad Sci 1993;686:310-22.*

Subar AF, Frey CM, Harlan LC, Kahle L. Differences in reported food frequency by season of questionnaire administration: the 1987 National Health Interview Survey. Epidemiology 1994;5(2):226-33.

Subar AF, Ziegler RG, Patterson BH, Ursin G, Graubard B. U.S. dietary patterns associated with fat intake: the 1987 National Health Interview Survey. Am J Public Health 1994;84(3):359-66.

Ziegler RG, Subar AF, Craft NE, Ursin G, Patterson BH, Graubard BI. Does beta-carotene explain why reduced cancer risk is associated with vegetable and fruit intake? Cancer Res 1992;52(7 Suppl):2060S-2066S.

* Publication is listed in more than one subject area.

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