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Department of the Interior
Department of the Interior
  Welcome Index DOI News Contact US DOI Home
Bullet DOI Activitiesnew vertical line
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Bullet Initiatives  more
Bullet Healthy Forests
Bullet Improving National Parks
Bullet Water 2025
Bullet Cooperative Conservation
Bullet Take Pride in America
Bullet National Energy Plan
Bullet Management Excellence
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Bullet Issues of Interest
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Bullet How do I?  more
Bullet Get a National Parks Pass?
Bullet Trace Indian Ancestry?
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Bullet DOI Quick Facts
Quick Fact Images
DOI manages 507 million acres of surface land, or about one-fifth of the land in the U.S.
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BulletDOI en Espaņol
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Bullet For DOI Employees
Bullet DOI DC Operating Status
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Bullet DOI Jobs
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Bullet Teacher Resources
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Bullet Children's Pages
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Bullet Bureaus and Offices
Bullet DOI Key Officials
Bullet DOI History
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Bullet Webcams
Bullet Old Faithful
Bullet Mammoth Hot Springs
Bullet Glacier National Park
Bullet Grand Canyon
Bullet Big Bend National Park
Old Faithful
Old Faithful webcam is one of several webcams available in National Parks.
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Interior Activities & Accomplishments
Click on any of the States to access detailed information on U.S. Department of the Interior Activities or use the drop-down menu below the United States map.
Interior Activities & Accomplishments Sorted by State:
us accomplishments
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Department of the Interior Department of the Interior Department of the Interior Washington Oregon California Nevada Arizona New Mexico Texas Louisianna Florida Idaho Utah Colorado Oklahoma Arkansas Mississippi Alabama Georgia South Carolina North Carolina Kansas Montana Wyoming North Dakota South Dakota Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan Tennessee Nebraska Iowa Missouri Kentucky Illinois Indiana Ohio West Virginia Virginia Pennsylvania New York Maine District of Columbia Maryland Delaware New Jersey Maryland New Jersey Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusettes New Hampshire Vermont Connecticut Massachusettes Alaska Hawaii