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Welcome to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Weather Service’s students programs web site. This web site was designed to give students across the nation direct information to the different student employment opportunities offered. The programs below offer participants an opportunity to learn how we operate as a federal agency carrying out our mission to protect and serve by providing timely weather related information and products.

Student interns work on worthwhile projects assigned by their manager or supervisor. Previous interns worked in a variety of areas, including meteorology, hydrology, science, and technology. Students interested in any of the programs below should have strong research, oral, and writing skills. If you have questions about any of the programs, please call us (the Equal Employment Opportunity Program Office) at 301/713/0692.

Student Career Employment Program (SCEP) - SCEP offers participants work experience directly related to their academic field of study. It provides formal periods of work and study while attending school. Participants in this program may be eligible for permanent employment after successfully completing their education and work requirements. Click here to learn more. If you are interested in the National Weather Service’s Student Career Employment Program, contact Hope Hasberry through e-mail at or by phone at 301/713/0692.

Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) - STEP offers temporary job opportunities to its participants. The work experience gained through this program need not be related to the participants academic field of study. Participants may work during the summer and/or as long as he/she are students. Click here to learn more. If you are interested in the National Weather Service’s Student Temporary Employment Program, contact Hope Hasberry through e-mail at or by phone at 301/713/0692.

Student Volunteer Service (UNPAID) - NOAA’s National Weather Service offers unpaid training opportunities to high school and college students. This program offers work experience related to the participants academic field of study . Students have an opportunity to explore their career options and to develop both professional and personal skills. Click here to learn more. If you are interested in the National Weather Service’s Student Volunteer Service, contact Hope Hasberry through e-mail at or by phone at 301/713/0692.

NOAA Student/Faculty Research Participation Program (ORISE) - This NOAA program is administrated by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education in Oak Ridge, TN. It offers high school, undergraduate, graduate, and post graduate students pursuing academic studies in business, computer sciences, engineering, life sciences, and physical sciences an opportunity to gain valuable work experience and exposure to NOAA related disciplines. This program also provides faculty members a chance to pursue research opportunities related to NOAA’s mission. Applications are accepted all year. Click here to learn more. If you are interested or know anyone interested in participating in the NOAA Student/Faculty Research Participation Program, contact Patricia Taylor by phone at 301/713/0692 extension 198 or through e-mail at Click here to read a student's comments about her first week.

The District of Columbia Metropolitan Consortium for Mathematics, Science and Engineering Program(METCON) - This six to eight week summer program offers high school sophomores and juniors within the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, career awareness and technically-oriented work experiences in NOAA related disciplines. The Program is administrated by Howard University’s School of Engineering. Click here to learn more.  Contact Dr. Lawanda Peace,Howard University, School of Engineering, Architecture and Computer Science, 2300 Sixth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20059, phone (202) 806-6627 to find out about the application process.

Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) - WRP is a program for college students with disabilities. The US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy and the Department of Defense coordinate the program. This program provides student with disabilities a resource to market their skills for permanent and/or temporary employment. Hundreds of students are recruited into this program each year. Federal agencies and private companies across the U.S. are able to hire hundreds of students through this program each year. To find out how you and your college/university can be a part of this program, visit the WRP web site at .

High School/High Tech (HS/HT) - The HS/HT program is a program for high school students with disabilities. This program has several goals: to motivate students to explore their own interests and potential in the sciences and technology and to explore careers in these areas. There are over 100 program nation wide. Through this program students are provided internship opportunities, learn to write resumes, and are given public speaking and leadership skills. To find about programs in your area, you should call 202-693-7880 Voice, 202-693-7881/TTY, or 202-693-7888 (Attn: Ms. Williams)/FAX. To find out more about the program, visit the Department of Labor’s web site .

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) - AISES is a national non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of American Indians and Alaskan Natives in science, engineering, and technology. Its membership include students and professional in business and other academic disciplines. AISES has nearly 2000 students members and 150 college chapters. AISES offers many different programs to its members: summer internship opportunities, professional, and community programs. AISES may be reached at

NOAA’s Educational Partnership Program (EPP)- EPP's mission is to increase the number of professionals from under-represented groups in NOAA sciences. The EPP provides financial assistance to minority serving academic institutions to support collaborative research and training of students in NOAA-related sciences through competitive processes. The EPP provides financial assistance through four program components, they include: the Cooperative Science Centers; the Environmental Entrepreneurship Program; the Graduate Sciences Program; and, the Undergraduate Scholarship Program. For more information on NOAA's Educational Partnership Program visit the web site at

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) - HACU is an organization committed to the success of the nation’s Hispanic community. HACU represents more than 300 colleges and universities committed to Hispanic higher education success in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Latin America and Spain. Thousands of Hispanic students are a part of this organization. The organizations has programs for students beginning from kindergarten through graduate school and into the workforce. HACU’s Internship Program places students nationwide. The goal of the program is to provide students with professional experience, expose them to research, development, technology, and administrative careers. To learn more about the internship opportunities offered by HACU, visit the organization’s web site .

US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Equal Employment Opportunity
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Page last modified: May 9, 2003
Page Author: Kiran Shrestha
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