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U.S. Committed to Working Toward Democratic Iraqi Government

The United States believes the just-concluded meeting of the Iraqi opposition Advisory Committee in Salahudeen, Northern Iraq was "a welcome opportunity for many courageous Iraqis to continue planning for a future democratic Iraq," the White House said in a statement March 1.

Following is the text of the statement

March 1, 2003

The United States believes the just-concluded meeting of the Iraqi opposition Advisory Committee in Salahudeen, Northern Iraq was a welcome opportunity for many courageous Iraqis to continue planning for a future democratic Iraq.

The U.S. delegation -- headed by Presidential Special Envoy for Free Iraqis Zalmay Khalilzad -- reaffirmed America's commitment to a democratic, representative, broad-based future Iraqi government that respects the principles of justice, the rule of law, and the human rights of Iraq's people; maintains Iraq's territorial integrity; is at peace with Iraq's neighbors; forswears weapons of mass destruction; fights terrorism; and fulfills its international obligations.

The United States is committed to working in partnership with the people of Iraq to bring this vision to life. We will continue this work in the days ahead, both with those represented at Salahudeen as well as others from throughout the broad community of free Iraqis, and with those Iraqis who have yet to be freed. Iraq's people are ready to begin the challenging road toward democracy. We salute the brave members of the Iraqi opposition and all Iraqis now suffering in silent captivity. Many freedom-loving nations throughout the world look forward with them to the day of their liberation.

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