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White House Notes Successful Results Of Iraqi Liberation
Highlights mark 100 days after end of major combat operations

The White House press office has released a document, "Results in Iraq: 100 Days Toward Security and Freedom," to mark the 100th day since major combat operations ended. The document, released in Washington August 8, presents highlights of the coalition's efforts to establish security, economic growth and democracy following the toppling of Saddam Hussein.

Following is the text of the document

Results in Iraq: 100 Days Toward Security and Freedom
Highlights of the Renewal of Iraq and the End of Saddam's Regime

August 8, 2003

"This nation, in world war and in Cold War, has never permitted the brutal and lawless to set history's course. Now, as before, we will secure our nation, protect our freedom, and help others to find freedom of their own."
  - President Bush, October 7, 2002


August 8, 2003, marks the hundredth day since the end of major combat operations in Iraq. Results in Iraq: 100 Days Toward Security and Freedom presents highlights of the successes shared by post-Saddam Iraqis and their partners in the renewal of their nation.

Under the leadership of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) and the new Iraqi Governing Council, major strides are being planned and made in three key areas: security, economic stability and growth, and democracy. As this report is issued, the CPA is working with Iraqis to implement a strategic plan with measurable goals. Outside observers and coalition leaders agree that much remains to be done to restore order and bring prosperity to a brutalized society and an infrastructure suffering from decades of malign neglect. The steps toward sovereignty and democracy will be difficult and require patience and time.

Substantial progress is being made on all fronts. As President Bush said last week, the "success of a free Iraq will demonstrate to other countries in that region that national prosperity and dignity are found in representative government and free institutions?. As freedom advances in the Middle East, those societies will be less likely to produce ideologies of hatred and produce recruits for terror."

This report focuses on 10 areas where the liberation of Iraq has improved the lives of Iraqis and the safety and security of the world.?Some examples in this report include:

1. For the first time in the lives of most Iraqis, a representative government is being established and human rights and freedom are being enshrined.

2. Nearly 3 dozen countries are contributing financially to the renewal of Iraq, and 19 countries are providing personnel for Operation Iraqi Freedom.

3. The food distribution system is functioning, based on equitable needs rather than cronyism.

4. Nearly all Iraqi children have finished exams from last year. All universities are open.

5. A $53 million program to rehabilitate more than 100 schools and clinics is underway.

10 Ways the Liberation of Iraq Supports the War on Terror

1. With the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, Iraq is no longer a state sponsor of terror. According to State Department reports on terrorism, before the removal of Saddam's regime, Iraq was one of seven state sponsors of terror.

2. Saddam Hussein's regime posed a threat to the security of the United States and the world. With the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime, a leader who pursued, used, and possessed weapons of mass destruction is no longer in power.

3. Saddam Hussein would not uphold his international commitments, and now that he is no longer in power, the world is safe from this tyrant. The old Iraqi regime defied the international community and seventeen UN resolutions for twelve years and gave every indication that it would never disarm and never comply with the just demands of the world.

4. A senior al Qaida terrorist, now detained, who had been responsible for al Qaida training camps in Afghanistan, reports that al Qaida was intent on obtaining WMD assistance from Iraq. According to a credible, high-level al Qaida source, Usama Bin Laden and deceased al Qaida leader Muhammad Atif did not believe that al Qaida labs in Afghanistan were capable of manufacturing chemical and biological weapons, so they turned to Iraq for assistance. Iraq agreed to provide chemical and biological weapons training for two al Qaida associates starting in December 2000.

5. Senior al Qaida associate Abu Musab al-Zarqawi came to Baghdad in May 2002 for medical treatment along with approximately two dozen al Qaida terrorist associates. This group stayed in Baghdad and other parts of Iraq and plotted terrorist attacks around the world.

6. A safe haven in Iraq belonging to Ansar al-Islam -- a terrorist group closely associated with Zarqawi and al Qaida -- was destroyed during Operation Iraqi Freedom. In March 2003, during a raid on the compound controlled by the terrorists in northeastern Iraq, a cache of documents was discovered, including computer discs and foreign passports belonging to fighters from various Middle East nationalities.

7. The al Qaida affiliate Ansar al-Islam is known to still be present in Iraq. Such terrorist groups are now plotting against U.S. forces in Iraq.

8. Law enforcement and intelligence operations have disrupted al Qaida associate Abu Musab Zarqawi's poison plotting in France, Britain, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Russia. The facilities in Northern Iraq, set up by Zarqawi and Ansar al-Islam were, before the war, an al Qaida's poisons/toxins laboratory.

9. Abu Musa Zarqawi, the al Qaida associate with direct links to Iraq, oversaw those responsible for the assassination of USAID officer Laurence Foley in Amman, Jordan last October.

10.?Saddam Hussein's Iraq provided material assistance to Palestinian terrorist groups, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, HAMAS, and the Palestine Islamic Jihad, according to a State Department report. This included paying the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, according to testimonials from Palestinians and cancelled checks. Also, according to State Department reports, terrorist groups the Iranian Mujahedin-e-Khalq and the Abu Nidal organization were protected by the Iraqi regime protected by the Iraqi regime.

10 Signs of Better Security

The Coalition is working with Iraqis to improve internal security throughout the country. While the security situation is improving, dangerous remnants of the former regime and others continue to target progress and success.

1. New Iraqi army and police forces are being recruited, trained, and equipped. Some 1,200 Iraqis will be trained this year for the new Iraqi army, and in two years, 40,000 army recruits will be trained.

2. Fifty-eight of 89 Iraqi cities have hired police forces. In total, 34,000 Iraqis are employed in patrolling the streets of their country, and of these, 30,000 Iraqis are currently patrolling with coalition forces.

3. More than 8,200 tons of ammunition, thousands of AK-47s, grenades, and other weapons have been seized throughout Iraq -- much of which was stored by the Hussein regime in hospitals, schools, and mosques.

4. The CPA has hired more than 11,000 Iraqis to guard key facilities around the country.

5. Coalition forces, with information from an Iraqi, conducted operations that lead to the deaths of Uday and Qusay Hussein following their refusal to surrender. To date, 37 of the top 55 most wanted Iraqis have been captured or killed. With the deaths of Uday and Qusay, more and more Iraqis are freed from their fear and are volunteering their services and information.

6. Coalition forces continue to take the offensive against the remnants of the Ba'athist regime who are targeting the sites and symbols of reconstruction and stabilization successes.

7. An Iraqi Civil Defense Force will help U.S. and Coalition forces in rooting out Saddam loyalists and criminal gangs who have been attacking military forces and obstructing reconstruction efforts. Four thousand Iraqi militiamen will be trained by U.S. troops over the next eight weeks.

8. In Basra, 500 river police have been patrolling since June 19.

9. Some 148,000 U.S. service members and more than 13,000 Coalition troops from 19 countries are serving in Iraq.

10.?Most of Iraq is calm and progress on the road to democracy and freedom not experienced in decades continues. Only in isolated areas are there still attacks.

10 Signs of Better Infrastructure and Basic Services

1. Electricity: Electricity is now more equitably distributed and more stable, instead of, as during Saddam Hussein's rule, being supplied to Baghdad at the expense of the rest of the country. For the rest of 2003, $294 million is budgeted to improve electrical systems.

2. Water Systems: Water supply in many areas is now at pre-conflict levels. Over 2000 repairs have been made to 143 water networks, and water quality sampling has restarted. There are plans to add 450 million liters of capacity to Baghdad's system.

3. Healthcare: Iraqi hospitals are up and running, and healthcare, previously available only for Ba'athist elite, is now available to all Iraqis. Drugs are being supplied to hospitals and clinics, and medical worker salaries are being paid regularly, ensuring employees attend work. Vaccinations are available across the country, and anti-malarial spraying will take place this autumn.

4. Returning Refugees: Refugees began returning from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. UNHCR and the Coalition are working together to ensure that groups of refugees in Jordan and Iran can return to Iraq safely and comfortably in the near future.

5. Revitalizing Oil Production and Distribution: Repairs and modernizations are being made to the antiquated and neglected oil production and distribution systems. Oil will provide the future wealth of the country but was severely misappropriated by the former regime.

6. Police: There are 6,000 police on the streets of Baghdad and 34 out of 60 police stations are currently operational. Throughout Iraq, there are some 30,000 police patrolling the streets.

7. Road Repairs: Emergency road repairs, underway throughout Iraq now, will employ even more Iraqis in the coming weeks.

8. Airports: The Baghdad and Basra airports are ready to open, and the airport in Basra is expected to begin commercial operations in August. Several airlines are likely to start regular air service to Iraq.

9. Major Bridges: $4.3 million has been provided to repair the Tikrit Bridge; $4.4 million to rebuild the Al Mat Bridge; and $3.2 million to rebuild the Khazir Bridge.

10.?Port at Umm Qasr: The port at Umm Qasr is open and functioning again, and customs and port authority agents are being trained.

10 Signs of Democracy

1. A 25-member national Governing Council includes three women and Kurdish, Sunni, Christian, Turkmen, and Shi'ia representatives. The establishment of this body is a first and important move toward Iraqi self-government.

2. The Governing Council is creating a Preparatory Commission to write a constitution. After a constitution is approved, elections will lead to a fully sovereign Iraqi government.

3. There are municipal councils in all major cities and 85 percent of towns, enabling Iraqis to take responsibility for management of local matters like healthcare, water, and electricity.

4. Provisional councils have been formed in Najaf, Al Anbar, and Basra.

5. The Baghdad City Advisory Council was inaugurated on July 7, 2003. Its 37 members were selected by members of the city's nine district councils, who themselves were selected by Baghdad citizens in 88 neighborhoods throughout the city.

6. Local governance councils are robust in Basra and Umm Qasr, helping to identify areas for immediate humanitarian and reconstruction assistance.

7. The Office of Human Rights and Transitional Justice is working to locate missing persons, investigate, analyze, and exhume mass graves, archive past human rights abuses and promote civic education/public awareness about human rights.

8. To facilitate voluntary resolutions of property claims, the Property Reconciliation Facility is being created.

9. The Coalition is helping fund and train Iraqis wanting to create their own non-governmental organizations. These new NGOs include public policy think tanks and an association of former political prisoners.

10.?More than 150 newspapers are now published in Iraq offering Iraqis access to many different kinds of information. Foreign publications, radio, and television broadcasts are also available.

10 Improvements in the Lives of Iraqi Children

1. A "back to school" campaign delivered 1,500 kits with book bags, notebooks, pens and pencils that helped 120,000 students in Baghdad return to their classrooms in May 2003. In preparation for the new school year, 1.2 million kits for secondary school students and 4,000 kits for their schools including desks, chairs, blackboards, and bookshelves are arriving in Iraq.

2. Malnutrition contributed to high mortality rates in Iraq during Saddam's rule. The food aid for Iraq has continued to supply the public distribution system and has allowed the majority of Iraqis access to food rations. On July 15, the World Food Program reported that nearly 1.5 million metric tons of food, or more than the three months supply required to keep the distribution system operating, have been dispatched to Iraq. An additional 2.2 million metric tons of food will arrive by the end of October. These steps will contribute to reversing malnutrition.

3. To date, 22.3 million doses of measles, tuberculosis, hepatitis B, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, and polio vaccines have been provided, enough to vaccinate 4.2 million children.

4. Nearly all Iraqi children have finished their exams from last year and are ready to start a new school year in the fall. All universities are reopened.

5. A $53 million program to rehabilitate more than 100 schools and clinics is underway. In the southern region, more than 50 schools are in various stages of rehabilitation. More than 600 schools will be in "like new" condition in time for the beginning of classes.

6. Five million revised math and science textbooks will be ready before the start of the school year.

7. Saddam Hussein's rhetoric is being removed from Iraqi schoolchildren's textbooks. In the words of Dunia Nabel, a teacher in Baghdad: "We want flowers and springtime in the texts, not rifles and tanks." (The Chicago Tribune, July 31, 2003).

8. Ten delivery rooms in hospitals and primary healthcare centers in Basra have been rehabilitated and stocked with essential drugs and medical supplies.

9. The juvenile institution for children that was the subject of reports of abuse and appalling conditions under Saddam Hussein has been replaced by a project run by UNICEF and NGOs. Seven orphanages have undergone major building renovations and training for staff.

10.?Nearly 3,000 soccer balls were shipped on May 30 and another 60,000 balls on their way to Iraq through a private/public partnership and the U.S. soccer community.

10 Signs of Economic Renewal

1. A New Economy: A new Iraqi economy is being built on the principles of market economics, respect for the rule of law, and transparency.

2. Salaries: The CPA regularly pays salaries to those teachers, healthcare workers, soldiers, police, and other public sector employees who have returned to work. Payments of pensions and other emergency payments have also helped to avert a humanitarian crisis. Teachers' salaries, and other key employees' salaries, have increased four-fold over their pay under Saddam Hussein. Some 39,000 electrical workers are back at work. Other sectors show similar encouraging signs.

3. Commerce: The marketplace in Baghdad has many goods that were previously unavailable because of sanctions or because they were forbidden under the previous regime. Items such as satellite dishes are now readily available to Iraqis.

4. Banks: Banks are open in Baghdad. The CPA is working with Iraqis outside of Baghdad to open banks across the country as soon as possible. In addition, international interest in establishing an Iraqi trade bank has been strong, and proposals from foreign banks are under review for creating this trade facility.

5. Food: The CPA has purchased the upcoming wheat and barley crops, helping to meet the country's food needs while supporting farmers. These crops include over 600,000 metric tons of Iraqi wheat and more than 300,000 metric tons of Iraqi barley.

6. Loans for Entrepreneurs: A micro-credit facility is now being set up in the South. Credit facilities for the rest of the country are also planned. Iraq's two major banks will start making small and medium sized business loans to help Iraqi entrepreneurs restart their businesses.

7. Currency: A unified currency for Iraq has been announced. The exchange of old banknotes for new ones is set to begin October 15.

8. Iraqis' Savings: The dinar has maintained its value against the dollar, preserving the dinar-dominated savings of Iraqi citizens.

9. Natural Resources: Oil production is increasing, with daily production of crude averaging 1 million barrels in recent days.

10.?Budget: The budget for the last six months of 2003 is now being executed, and the 2004 budget formulation process has begun. Of the 2003 budget, more than $400 million has been released to Ministries in July and August alone. The 2004 budget process, to be run by Iraqis, will target the most important priorities for the country's reconstruction and build on the spending commitments of the budget for the last six months of 2003.

10 Examples of International Support for the Renewal of Iraq

1. The United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan said of the Iraqi Governing Council: "[The Council's] formation is an important first step towards the full restoration of Iraqi sovereignty." The UN is supporting the renewal of Iraq through the Oil for Food program, and by providing humanitarian assistance, promoting human rights, and assisting the Iraqi Governing Council in rejoining the international community.

2. The United Nations Security Council passed, without opposition, Resolution 1483, lifting sanctions against the Iraqi regime.

3. The top 12 financial supporters for the renewal of Iraq are (in descending order): the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Australia, Germany, Norway, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Spain, and Kuwait.

4. The UN reports that its total humanitarian assistance for the people of Iraq is $2.2 billion, of which $1.2 billion is pledged or contributed from the international community and $1 billion is funded through the Oil for Food program.

5. In addition, several countries have pledged $800 million to UN programs. Nearly three dozen countries have made pledges or contributions to the renewal of Iraq.

6. There are now 34 foreign missions in Baghdad. Kuwait has reestablished relations with Iraq.

7. International pledges for reconstruction assistance are almost $3 billion, and an international conference to discuss additional funding for Iraq is scheduled for the fall.

8. More than 45 countries have offered military forces. The United Kingdom and Poland are each leading multinational divisions.

9. Numerous countries have contributed to the Coalition by providing basing and fly-over rights, as well as logistical support.

10.?A total of 19 countries providing more than 13,000 troops in Iraq are supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom, and 14 countries are committed to deploying additional troops.

10 Signs of Cultural Rebirth

1. Iraqi Olympic Committee is reconstituted without fear from Uday Hussein: The new President of the Free Iraq Olympic group said, "The Iraqi teams used to produce the champions of Asia in many sports. They have declined since the arrival of Uday. Now we want to rebuild them with the help of the international community." -- Sharar Haydar, one of Uday Hussein's former torture victims, The Guardian (London), May 15, 2003.

2. The Baghdad symphony is performing, and their concerts are also being televised. The conductor of the symphony said, "We're trying to show the world that Iraqis have a great culture." -- Hisham Sharaf, at a performance of the Baghdad Symphony, Agence France Presse, June 12, 2003.

3. Theaters are quickly reopening. In the words of one filmmaker: "You cannot imagine what it means for us to be here on this national stage, where everything we stand for was forbidden. Now it is ours."-- Oday Rashid, Los Angeles Times, May 5, 2003.

4. Religious rites are being reestablished. As one Iraqi said: "I can't express my feelings. All I feel is joy. This is the first time I've seen this (Shiite celebrations) for 30 years. Saddam forbade everything. He forced us underground." -- Sami Abbas, a Shia at the holy shrine of Kadhimiy, The Washington Post, April 16, 2003.

5. 150 newspapers on the streets of Baghdad help get out the news of a free Iraq. Ali Jabar is quoted as saying, "Every day I buy a different paper. I like them all." Says a newspaper editor: "We can't train staff fast enough. People are desperate here for a neutral free press after 30 years of a totalitarian state." -- Saad al-Bazzaz, editor of the Azzaman Daily in Baghdad, The Independent (London), July 8, 2003.

6. Satellite dishes are the most popular items for sale in Baghdad. "I want to watch all of the world, all channels in the world. I want to watch freedom." -- Mohammed al-Khayat, an Iraqi who just purchased his first satellite dish, The Baltimore Sun, April 26, 2003.

7. Banned books are now available in the market. A teacher selling books in Baghdad said: "Before, so many books were forbidden -- anything that didn't agree with the regime. Which means practically everything that was ever printed!" -- Imad Saad, Los Angeles Times, May 3, 2003.

8. Artists are free to display their works and poets are free to write. As one poet said: "For decades, we were used to watching ourselves. Now you can think with words. But to talk loudly and to think loudly takes time. Freedom needs practice, and it takes practice to be free." -- Mohammed Thamer, The Washington Post, April 22, 2003.

9. Education is being revitalized. As a member of Baghdad's city council pointed out, "We want to have a real education, to be a progressive country. Education is very important to the reconstruction of our society. If you want to civilize society, you must care about education." -- Al Sa'ad Majid al Musowi, The Chicago Tribune, July 31, 2003.

10.?The Marshlands are being rehabilitated. In the words of one Iraqi, "We broke the dams when the Iraqi army left. We want to teach our children how to fish, how to move on the water again." -- Qasim Shalgan Lafta, a former fisherman who helped restore the water to the Iraqi wetlands that Saddam had destroyed, The Chicago Tribune, June 13, 2003.

10 Steps to Improve the Lives of Iraqi Women

1. The Coalition is working to ensure that women play an important role in all parts of the government.

2. Three Iraqi women who are members of the new Governing Council are fully engaged in promoting the involvement of women in Iraq's future.

3. An esteemed former female Iraqi judge in the Ministry of Justice is undertaking a review of laws, legal practices, and the legal profession in Iraq for ways to increase equality and participation of women.

4. The Ministry of Interior conducted an assessment of the former Iraqi Police Force in early April. This resulted in a requirement to target recruitment of women and their inclusion in training offered at all academies. The program will become a reality August 15 when the recruiting drive begins with women as one of the groups targeted for selection.

5. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has adopted a policy of equal access to services and benefits for all those eligible, and this policy will ultimately expand services as well as quality to larger numbers of Iraqis including women.

6. Iraqi women will have a role in the development of democracy and civil society. A senior administration official from the CPA Democracy and Governance team is conducting outreach activities to involve Iraqi women.

7. The Coalition team has held numerous meetings with Iraqi women from all walks of life to hear their concerns and to listen to their ideas for the future development of democracy in their country. In addition, the CPA has met with various women's groups and with international organizations regarding their ideas and efforts to meet the needs of Iraqi women.

8. The Coalition helped a group of Iraqi women conduct a conference July 9 that included workshops on the constitution and democracy, legal reform, education, health and social affairs, and economic and employment issues. More than 70 women attended, the majority of whom were Iraqi women experts in such fields as law, academia, medicine, and business.

9. Quotas restricting the entry of women into certain university courses have been raised or lifted altogether.

10.?Iraqi women's organizations are being created to expand opportunities for women to improve their lives and those of their families.

10 Voices of Liberation

You can find more voices of liberation on the White House website, http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/07/iraq/20030731-7.html.

1. "We want to have a real education, to be a progressive country. Education is very important to the reconstruction of our society. If you want to civilize society, you must care about education." -- Al Sa'ad Majid al Musowi, a businessman on Baghdad's city council, The Chicago Tribune, July 31, 2003.

2. "We have full freedom to print anything we want. The coalition doesn't interfere in our work but, of course, we have our own red lines." -- Ishtar el Yassiri, editor of the new satirical Iraqi newspaper Habez Bouz, Financial Times (London), July 31, 2003.

3. "The tension is reducing every day. We are seeing a change. People are starting to realize that the soldiers are not here to occupy Fallujah forever?they're here to help us rebuild." -- Taha Bedawi, mayor of Fallujah, The Washington Post, July 29, 2003.

4. "It's a chance to defend our country for our people. It's good to work with the American soldiers. They give us new training and a mutual respect." -- Omar Abdullah, a recruit for Mosul's newly formed joint security group, Associated Press, July 29, 2003.

5. "I want to serve a new Iraq." -- Shevin Majid, a former Kurdish fighter who is now a recruit in the Mosul joint security force, Associated Press, July 29, 2003.

6. "More and more businessmen are coming to Iraq. It is a rich country and the Iraqi market is enormous. All the world wants to come and do business here." -- Captain Adel Khalaf, director of the port at Umm Qasr, Agence France Presse, July 27, 2003.

7. "For the first time I feel really free." -- Latif Yahia, Uday's former double, after hearing of Uday's death, Agence France Presse, July 26, 2003.

8. "The Iraqi people have got rid of two of the biggest criminals in history. Their victims and the sons of their victims, who lived for 35 years under oppression, are feeling proud and happy." -- Muwaffak al-Rubaiei, a member of the Iraqi Governing Council, Agence France Presse and Reuters, July 25, 2003.

9. "I couldn't show it to the people in the past because of the regime. Now I hang it up to show respect." -- Abbas Fadel, who displays a picture of his brother, tortured and murdered by Saddam Hussein, Knight Ridder, July 24, 2003.

10. "I can see that the American soldiers are free. In our old army, we were always under pressure and strict military orders. There was tough punishment." -- Raad Mamoud, a former Iraqi soldier, USA Today, July 21, 2003.

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