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Leaders Around the World Condemn Terror Attack on U.N. in Iraq
Sergio Vieira de Mello mourned as victim of "barbaric" violence

International organizations and national governments alike condemned the terrorist truck bombing of the United Nations facility in Baghdad on August 19, and mourned the loss of life, including that of U.N. special envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello.

Romano Prodi, president of the European Union (EU), sent a message to U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan expressing outrage at the attack, terming it "barbaric." The statement said that the targeting of the civilian U.N. staff and of de Mello "is therefore an attack on the future of Iraq and all of its people."

Ambassador Alessandro Minuto Rizzo, deputy secretary general of NATO, condemned "in the strongest possible terms this cowardly attack." He also termed it "an act of barbarity."

The secretary general of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Jan Kubis, said he was "utterly appalled at this senseless and cowardly terrorist attack on people whose sole mission is to improve the lives of the people of Iraq." He also called de Mello "a valued friend and colleague."

Cesar Gaviria, secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), expressed "profound sorrow and indignation" over the attack. "We especially feel the loss of the great Brazilian diplomat Sergio Vieira de Mello," Gaviria said, "a true international civil servant who tirelessly defended human rights and dignity."

"Once again we have been reminded of the horrors of terrorism," Gaviria said.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which has been working in Iraq, issued a statement by Horst Kohler, managing director, in which he expressed "my deepest regret" at the news of de Mello's death and of the other U.N. staff killed and injured in the blast.

The Brazilian foreign ministry released a statement expressing shock and sadness over de Mello's death, and calling the bombing a "barbaric and senseless terrorist attack." The statement said de Mello "always performed with dignity and utmost professionalism the difficult missions he was assigned in different countries around the world."

British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said he was appalled by the terrorists' "callous attack" against the U.N. facility, and paid tribute to de Mello as "an exceptional man" whose death "is an utter tragedy."

"This will only reinforce our commitment to work for the peaceful, prosperous and democratic Iraq which its people deserve," Straw said.

The texts of the statements follow:

EU statement
Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, has this afternoon sent a message to Kofi Annan, expressing the Commission's outrage at the barbaric attack on civilians working at the United Nations Office in Baghdad. The Commission deeply regrets the loss of life and the injuries caused, both to Iraqis and international staff, and we offer our condolences to the families of those affected.

The work of the United Nations is essential to rebuilding a stable and prosperous Iraq. It has been among the strongest advocates of a rapid and effective transfer of power to the Iraqi people. The targeting of its staff and of Special Representative Sergio Vieira de Mello is therefore an attack on the future of Iraq and all of its people.

Together with other recent attacks on international personnel, this attack will seriously hamper the ability of the international community to provide much needed humanitarian aid and will be a blow to its efforts to prepare for rapid reconstruction of the country. The European Commission remains determined to work with its international partners to support the U.N. in its vital role.

NATO statement
Having learned of the bomb attack on the U.N. Headquarters today in Baghdad, Iraq, Ambassador Alessandro Minuto Rizzo said:

"I condemn in the strongest possible terms this cowardly attack on the offices of the United Nations in Baghdad. It is an act of barbarity aimed at an international institution working to assist the people of Iraq.

On behalf of NATO, I offer sincere sympathies to the relatives of international and local U.N. staff as well as Iraqis and others who suffered as a result of this tragic event".

OSCE text
VIENNA, 19 August 2003 -- OSCE Secretary General Jan Kubis expressed outrage on Tuesday over a bomb attack on United Nations Headquarters in Baghdad which caused numerous deaths and injuries.

"I am utterly appalled at this senseless and cowardly terrorist attack on people whose sole mission is to improve the lives of the people of Iraq," he said.

"Special Representative and High Commissioner for Human Rights Sergio Vieira de Mello is a valued friend and colleague whom I have known for many years. My thoughts are with him and all the victims of this terrible crime."

Shortly after his appointment as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights last year, Mr de Mello addressed the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna. He noted that the two organizations were guided "by the need for an effective struggle against those forces that attempt to subvert and destroy international and domestic security, while at the same time upholding the benchmarks of commonly held values."

OAS statement
The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Cesar Gaviria, today deplored the attack on the United Nations compound in Iraq and issued the following statement:

"Both personally and on behalf of the member countries of the Organization of American States, I would like to express our profound sorrow and indignation over the cowardly attack against the United Nations in Baghdad. Those who gave their lives were working in the service of humanity, and their loss touches not only their families and their countries, but indeed the world. We especially feel the loss of the great Brazilian diplomat Sergio Vieira de Mello, a true international civil servant who tirelessly defended human rights and dignity. We would also like to express our condolences to United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and offer him our continued support of his efforts to strengthen peace and security around the world.

"Once again we have been reminded of the horrors of terrorism, which has taken such a terrible and unprecedented toll in the last two years -- from Israel to Indonesia, from Baghdad to Bogota. Since the attacks of September 11, 2001, the OAS member states have increased their cooperation against terrorism and have renewed their commitment to defeat this scourge. Every attack, whether it is against United Nations relief workers or civilians on a Jerusalem bus, represents an attack against all who love peace and freedom."

IMF statement
Horst Kohler, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), made the following statement on the attack on the U.N. headquarters building in Baghdad.

"I wish to express on behalf of the International Monetary Fund my deepest regret at the news of the death of Sergio Vieira de Mello, the U.N. Special Representative, and others killed and injured in the attack on the U.N. headquarters building in Baghdad.

"Five IMF members of staff, and an IMF security consultant, were at the scene of the explosion. Four staff members sustained injuries, for which they have received treatment. We have been unable to establish contact with the fifth staff member nor with the security consultant, but reports indicate that they were injured and are receiving treatment. At this time, our thoughts are with our colleagues and their families."

Brazilian government statement
The Brazilian government were shocked and deeply saddened to receive the news of the death of Sergio Vieira de Mello, the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Iraq, in yesterday's barbaric and senseless terrorist attack. Sergio Vieira de Mello always performed with dignity and utmost professionalism the difficult missions he was assigned in different countries around the world, including Cambodia, Bosnia and Kosovo. In East Timor, as head of the United Nations Transitional Authority, he played a fundamental role in the reconstruction of the country and the consolidation of its institutions. He was a tireless defender of peace, human rights and multilateralism. He was an asset to his country and a source of pride for his compatriots. The President of Brazil has declared a period of mourning of three days, and as a posthumous honour has awarded Sergio Vieira de Mello the National Order of Merit in the highest degree. The presidential jet has been made available for the purpose of transporting the body of Sr. de Mello back to Brazil, if his family so wishes. The Brazilian government, receiving countless messages of condolence from world leaders, express their profound sympathy to the family of Sergio Vieira de Mello and share the pain of those who were close to him.

Source: Ministry for Foreign Relations

British statement
Straw condemns bomb attack at Baghdad's U.N. headquarters

Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has said he is appalled by today's "callous attack" against the United Nations Headquarters in Baghdad. Responding to the death of United Nations envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello, Mr Straw said: "Iraq and the United Nations have lost an exceptional man."

"My thoughts are with the relatives and friends of those who have been killed and injured," he said.

Mr Straw said it is an attack against the country, its people and the whole international community and "a further reminder of the ruthless and callous elements at large in Iraq, many of whose type were behind the Saddam regime".

He said that the Government will do whatever it can to help the Coalition Provisional Authority, the Iraqi Governing Council and the Iraqi police force bring the perpetrators to justice.

"This will only reinforce our commitment to work for the peaceful, prosperous and democratic Iraq, which its people deserve."

Mr Straw paid tribute to U.N. envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello:

"Sergio Vieira de Mello's death is an utter tragedy. He was an outstanding international civil servant who had dedicated much of his life to the high ideals of the United Nations, and to putting those into practice at the frontline of conflict.

Mr de Mello was Special Representative for Kosovo in 1999; then headed the U.N. Mission in East Timor. Last year he was appointed U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Mr Sraw said:

"I met him most recently in Baghdad on 2 July. I was struck by his complete dedication and commitment to the reconstruction of Iraq. Above all he saw his task as bringing the people of Iraq back into the community of nations. Today Iraq and the United Nations have lost an exceptional man."

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