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Chalabi Tells Powell "We're on Same Page" on U.N. Iraq Resolution
Powell meets Iraqi Governing Council, Israeli foreign minister

New York --- Ahmad Chalabi of the Iraq Governing Council told Secretary of State Colin Powell September 25 that the United States and the council are "on the same page" concerning a U.N. resolution on Iraq, according to a senior State Department official.

Powell met with members of the Governing Council during a day-long series of meetings with presidents, foreign ministers, a newspaper editorial board and even a guest appearance on the David Letterman television show. With the Iraqis, the senior official said in a background briefing at day's end, Powell went over the state of play in the gradual transfer of authority. As the secretary described the developing convergence on elements of a Security Council resolution, Chalabi at one point said, "We're on the same page," according to the official. Queried as to what exactly Chalabi was referring to, the official answered, "it was the [diplomatic] process and the resolution."

Asked to elaborate on the elements of convergence that Powell talked about, the State official said "the ideas of a multinational force seem to be fairly well accepted; the idea of a gradual transfer of power and a constitution and elections are all part of everybody's framework for this." He added that at the luncheon hosted by U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan for the five permanent members of the Security Council, " they also discussed in a little more detail the issues of defining the role of the United Nations, the ... things the United Nations could do on the ground in [order] to further the political process."

Powell also met with Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom on the 25th. The senior official said they discussed the current situation in the Middle East. "I think both we and the Israelis [are] looking to see whether the Palestinians form a government that's committed to ending terror. They talked about that situation. The secretary also raised issues like the fence, where the Israelis need to consider the consequences of any actions they might consider or take at this point," he said.

The two also discussed the problem of Yasser Arafat. "I can't remember who raised it first," the senior State official said. "I mean, obviously our view of Arafat as a failed leader is very strong. But we've also made clear that we don't think expelling Arafat is useful. The Israelis told us that they didn't intend to take action right away, and that they would consult with us if they ... were moving toward a decision on that."

Asked whether the topic of Arafat would arise at Powell's meeting of the Quartet (composed of representatives of the United States, the European Union, Russia and the U.N. secretary general) September 26, the official said, "The issue of Arafat comes up frequently. We've made quite clear our views, including our views that parties ... need to make clear to Arafat, one way or the other, that he needs to get out of the way and that he needs to transfer the authority. Whether they do that by limiting the meetings or making the point is ultimately a question they have to decide."

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