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American Centers
Bush Praises Iraq Donor's Conference in Madrid
Says "conference marked significant progress for freedom in Iraq"

President Bush described the outcome of the Iraq Donor's Conference in Madrid as "significant progress for freedom," and thanked participating nations, international organizations and the conference's Spanish hosts for agreeing to help with Iraq's recovery.

In a statement released October 24 by the White House, Bush said the pledged contributions "will help bring necessary funds, goods, and services to the Iraqi people."

"A free Iraq will serve as an example and an inspiration to advocates of reform and progress throughout the Middle East. And a free Iraq will be a source of stability and hope for that region," said Bush.

Following is the text of Bush's statement

October 24, 2003

Today's success at the Iraq Donors' Conference marked significant progress for freedom in Iraq. I commend the 73 nations and 20 international organizations that are meeting the challenge of helping the Iraqi people recover from decades of oppression and build a better future. The contributions will help bring necessary funds, goods, and services to the Iraqi people. I especially thank President Aznar and the government of Spain for having hosted the conference and for having contributed so much to supporting the people of Iraq.

The world has a clear interest in a democratic Iraq because free nations do not breed the ideologies of terror. A free Iraq will serve as an example and an inspiration to advocates of reform and progress throughout the Middle East. And a free Iraq will be a source of stability and hope for that region. America appreciates the efforts of all nations that are committed to this great endeavor.

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