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Powell Condemns October 27 Baghdad Bombings
Says attacks target Iraqi hopes for a better future

Secretary of State Colin Powell condemned the wave of car bombings that hit Baghdad October 27 as "attacks on the Iraqi people and their hopes for a better, prosperous, and democratic future."

In a statement released October 27, Powell extended his sympathies to the families of the victims, as well as condolences to the International Committee of the Red Cross, which was one of the targets. Powell said the bombings would "not deter" the United States from helping the Iraqi people realize their vision of a more peaceful, democratic future.

Following is the text of Powell's statement

October 27, 2003

Iraq: Terrorist Bombings

I condemn the series of terrorist bombings today in Iraq that left at least 34 people dead and more than 200 injured. The vast majority of the victims are innocent Iraqi civilians. I extend my deepest condolences to the families of the victims and our hopes for a quick recovery for the injured. I also want to extend my deepest condolences to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Baghdad and the international relief organizations that have been targeted in Iraq. American officials in Iraq will work closely with Iraqi security officials, the Governing Council, and the international relief organizations targeted to determine who committed this terrible attack and bring them to justice as quickly as possible. These bombings were attacks on the Iraqi people and their hopes for a better, prosperous, and democratic future. They will not deter us from helping them to make their vision of a new Iraq a reality.

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