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U.S. Legislators Thank Kazakhstan for Help in Terror War, Iraq

Two U.S. legislators told journalists in Astana, Kazakhstan, May 27 that they brought "sincerest thanks" to Kazakhstan for its contribution to the war against terrorism and the coalition effort in Iraq.

Senator Conrad Burns and Congressman Dennis Rehberg, both Republicans from Montana, are leading a delegation to Kazakhstan from their home state.

They expressed gratitude to Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev for a "very, very good meeting." Burns said "there are some issues of concern between our two countries, but I applauded the President for his initiative on religious tolerance, and for his leadership, in that he's decided and the people of Kazakhstan have decided that they will not be ruled by fear of terrorism."

"We also discussed the partnership we hope to create by bringing this delegation from our home state of Montana," said Rehberg, who praised Nazarbayev's plan to develop and to diversify Kazakhstan's economy.

Following is the transcript of the press availability as provided by the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan

Astana, Kazakhstan
May 27, 2004



President Nazarbayev (escorting the guests from their meeting): Now I leave you gentlemen to enjoy your meeting with the press. Good-bye.

Senator Burns: Thank you very much, Mr. President. Come and visit us in Montana.

We want first of all to thank the President of Kazakhstan, for we had a very, very good meeting. There are some issues of concern between our two countries, but I applauded the President for his initiative on religious tolerance, and for his leadership, in that he's decided and the people of Kazakhstan have decided, that they will not be ruled by fear of terrorism. His vision will not be deterred by terrorism, because his vision is for the children and their children. Please, Congressman.

Congressman Rehberg: Thank you, Senator. We also discussed the partnership we hope to create by bringing this delegation from our home state of Montana. We applaud the President for his plan for economic development, to diversify the economy of your country. And we, the state of Montana, would like to be a part of those opportunities as well, and over the course of the next few days we will introduce our Montaners to several of your ministries. As Senator Burns said, we've brought greetings from our leadership in both the House and Senate, and our sincerest thanks for your being involved in our endeavors on behalf of world defense, but more specifically in Iraq.

Can we take a question or two -- any questions?

Khabar TV: We know that Senator Burns is a supporter of more active involvement of the United States in Caspian Sea oil projects. I would like to ask for his view of the prospects for joint U.S.-Kazakhstani projects in the Caspian Sea region?

Senator Burns: The Caspian region has become a very important part of the overall energy resources of the world. Now the challenge is that these oil fields are a long way from transport routes. In other words, they are isolated and in the end we have to move the oil a long way. The development of the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline is very important. And also the proposed pipeline to the East becomes very important to the development of the Caspian. Security always becomes an issue both with regard to your country's and our country's investment. And as with any business, the cost of doing business becomes important; so we watch taxation policy. But American companies have been willing to invest in Kazakhstan and they will continue to.

Thank you very much.

Embassy of the United States