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Supplemental Briefing on The Long-Term Implications of Current Defense Plans: Detailed Update for Fiscal Year 2005, September 2004 

The Long-Term Implications of Current Defense Plans: Summary Update for Fiscal Year 2005, September 2004 

Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad regarding the estimated costs of continuing operations in Iraq and other operations of the global war on terrorism, June 2004 

Options for Changing the Army's Overseas Basing, May 2004 

The Long-Term Implications of Current Defense Plans: Detailed Update for Fiscal Year 2004, February 2004 

Testimony on the Ability of the U.S. Military to Sustain an Occupation in Iraq, November 2003 
Testimony before the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives

Letter to the Honorable John M. Spratt, Jr. regarding the estimated costs for the occupation of Iraq, October 2003 

Testimony on the Long-Term Implications of Current Defense Plans, October 2003 
Testimony before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives

Letter to the Honorable Robert Byrd regarding the U.S. military's ability to sustain an occupation in Iraq, September 2003 

The Long-Term Implications of Current Defense Plans: Summary Update for Fiscal Year 2004, July 2003 

Letter to the Honorable Richard G. Lugar regarding cost implications of implementing the March 26, 2003, NATO accession protocols, April 2003 

Brief on Transforming the Navy's Surface Combatant Force, April 2003 

Transforming the Navy's Surface Combatant Force, March 2003 

The Long-Term Implications of Current Defense Plans, January 2003  Summary

Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad and John M. Spratt Jr. regarding estimated costs of a potential conflict with Iraq, September 2002 

Letter to the Honorable Pete V. Domenici regarding the cost of activities related to the military operations taking place in and around Afghanistan, April 2002 

Increasing the Mission Capability of the Attack Submarine Force, March 2002  Summary

Letter to the Honorable Thomas Daschle regarding potential costs of national missile defense systems, January 2002 

The Effects of Aging on the Costs of Operating and Maintaining Military Equipment, August 2001 

Budgeting for Naval Forces: Structuring Tomorrow's Navy at Today's Funding Level, October 2000  Summary

Integrating New Allies into NATO, October 2000 

Testimony on Procurement Costs to Maintain Today's Military Forces, September 2000 
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Military Procurement, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives

Budgeting for Defense: Maintaining Today's Forces, September 2000  Summary

Budget Options for National Defense, March 2000  Summary

Making Peace While Staying Ready for War: The Challenges of U.S. Military Participation in Peace Operations, December 1999  Summary

The Drawdown of the Military Officer Corps, November 1999  Summary

Testimony on Pilot Retention: Issues and Possible Solutions, March 1999 

Structuring the Active and Reserve Army for the 21st Century, December 1997  Summary

An Analysis of the Army's Force Structure: Summary, April 1997 

Moving U.S. Forces: Options for Strategic Mobility, February 1997  Summary

Improving the Efficiency of Forward Presence by Aircraft Carriers, August 1996 

The Future of Theater Missile Defense, June 1994 

Testimony on Trends in Selected Indicators of Military Readiness, April 1994 
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Readiness, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives

Testimony on Options for Reconfiguring Service Roles and Missions, March 1994 
Testimony before the Committee on the Budget, United States Senate

Options for Reconfiguring Service Roles and Missions, March 1994 

Trends in Selected Indicators of Military Readiness, 1980 Through 1993, March 1994 

U.S. Ground Forces and the Conventional Balance in Europe, June 1988 

Augmenting Fleet ASW Capabilities by Relying on Greater Naval Reserve Activity, August 1984 

Tactical Combat Forces of the United States Air Force: Issues and Alternatives, May 1984 

Manpower for a 600-Ship Navy: Costs and Policy Alternatives, August 1983 

Modernizing U.S. Strategic Offensive Forces: The Administration's Program and Alternatives, May 1983 

The U.S.-Moroccan Agreement and its Implications for U.S. Rapid Deployment Forces, March 1983 

Rapid Deployment Forces: Policy and Budgetary Implications, February 1983 

Army Ground Combat Modernization for the 1980s: Potential Costs and Effects for NATO, November 1982 

Costs of Withdrawing Army Troops from Europe, June 1982 

Costs of Expanding and Modernizing the Navy's Carrier-Based Air Forces, May 1982 

Aerial Tanker Force Modernization, March 1982 

Building a 600-Ship Navy: Costs, Timing, and Alternative Approaches, March 1982 

Strategic Command, Control, and Communications: Alternative Approaches for Modernization, October 1981 

Naval Surface Combatants in the 1990s: Prospects and Possibilities, April 1981 

Testimony on Defense Manpower Issues, July 1977 
Testimony before the National Security Task Force, Budget Committee on Defense Manpower Issues, U.S. House of Representatives

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