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Saturn Observation Campaign
California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Labaoratory NASA
Cassini-Huygens Main Page
Saturn Observation Campaign
History of Saturn Observation
Saturn Observation Campaign
Members of SOC
Saturn Observation Campaign
How to Participate
Saturn Observation Campaign
Educators and Youth Leaders
Saturn Observation Campaign
Experiencing Saturn
Saturn Observation Campaign
Saturn Viewing Information
Saturn Observation Campaign
Calling All Astronomers! Help Us Share the Beauty of Saturn with your Community.
Saturn Observation Campaign Welcome to the Saturn Observation Campaign. This program gives sky enthusiasts of all abilities the opportunity to share the splendor of Saturn with their local community.

Saturn and its majestic rings make an annual trek through the night sky, allowing ground-based observers to enjoy stunning telescopic views of the planet.

Through the Saturn Observation Campaign, we hope to share this spectacular planet with as many people as possible. The campaign's objective is to create opportunities for professional and amateur astronomers to engage the public in the excitement of astronomy, using telescopes and the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn.

Saturn as seen on January 11th 2004.
Saturn as seen on January 11th 2004. In this view, south is at the top. Image taken by Ed Grafton, Assistant Coordinator for the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers.

The Saturn Observation Campaign offers a variety of program elements for local community leaders, classroom educators, youth group leaders, and sky enthusiasts.

Campaign participants are planning events right now. To participate in a viewing event, or to host a Saturn viewing at your school, youth, or community event, locate the SOC participant closest to your local community.

The application window for new and returning 2004-2005 participants is open. Check the How to Participate section of the website for details. Current SOC members must also complete a new application form by June 30, 2004 to continue in the program. Just check yes in the box for continuing members of the SOC.

SOC members: Is your email current on the Members page? If not, let us know.

Saturn Observation Campaign
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