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The images below are all SIMULATED views. All of the images are computer generated and are automatically updated every 10 minutes.



Looking Down on the Sun

This image shows the current position of the STARDUST spacecraft and the second loop of the spacecraft's trajectory (in blue) around the Sun.



Looking Down on Stardust

This image shows a closer view of STARDUST's orbit. The spacecraft's orbit is in blue, the orbits of the planets are shown in white.



Stardust's View of Earth

STARDUST was launched on February 7, 1999 and made an Earth flyby in January 2001.



Looking Down on the Sun

This image shows the current positions and orbits of the STARDUST spacecraft and Comet Wild-2. The spacecraft's multiple orbits around the Sun are shown in the darker blue.

Last updated January 19, 2004
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