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Mission of the Applied Research Program

The Applied Research Program (ARP) is one of five programs in NCI's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences. The attached organization chart shows ARP's position within NCI's structure.

The Applied Research Program (ARP) mission is to evaluate patterns and trends in cancer associated health behaviors, practices, genetic susceptibilities, outcomes and services. ARP monitors and evaluates cancer control activities in general and specific populations in the United States and determines the influence of these factors on patterns and trends in cancer incidence, morbidity, mortality and survival. In order to accomplish this mission ARP carries out research and evaluation activities in three existing branches (health services and economics, risk factor monitoring and methods, and outcomes research).

Research within ARP is targeted to identifying, improving and developing databases and methods for cancer control related surveillance, outcomes and applied research; maintaining, updating and disseminating these databases and methods; and promoting and facilitating their use among investigators within the extramural research community and federal agencies. Research in each area informs policy decisions in cancer prevention, treatment and control. In addition to research activities directed from within the Program, the staff often provide analytical support to other cancer prevention and control research programs, and contribute quantitative analyses for Institute-wide program guidance, evaluation, and policy development.


About Applied Research:

* Mission
* Staff
* Contact Information
* Organization Chart
* Driving Directions

Related Materials:

* Statement of Progress: 2002

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