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What is the NHIS Cancer Control Module?

In the Year 2000 NHIS, the National Cancer Institute funded a Cancer Control Module (CCM) covering the following topics:

Risk Factors

  • tobacco use: current and past smoking, "passive smoking," smoking in the workplace, attitudes regarding smoking, and use of smokeless tobacco,
  • diet: intake of fat, fruits, vegetables, legumes,
  • alcohol consumption,
  • drug use, such as birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy,
  • family history of cancer,
  • genetic testing,
  • sun avoidance behavior

Cancer Screening

  • frequency of breast examination by a physician, mammogram, breast self-exam, Pap smear, blood stool test, proctoscopic exam, and prostate specific antigen,
  • location of examination,
  • frequency of genetic testing for cancer risk,
  • accessibility of medical facility or physician for screening (core),
  • type of medical insurance (core)

The 2000 NHIS CCM is a public use data set. Provisional data are available on the NCHS National Health Interview Survey Web site.


National Health Interview Survey:

* What is the National Health Interview Survey?
* What is the NHIS Cancer Control Module?
* How are NHIS CCM data used?
* What are NCI's plans for CCM?

Dietary Assessment:

* Multifactor Screener in the 2000 NHIS Cancer Control Module (CCM)

NHIS Bibliography:

* General Studies
* Cancer Screening Studies
* Diet & Nutrition Studies
* Tobacco Studies

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