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* Download and Installation Instructions
* Problems Using Acrobat Reader with Web Browsers

Getting Adobe Acrobat Reader to View and Print PDF Files

Download and Installation Instructions

Adobe Acrobat Reader is a separate application produced by Adobe Systems Incorporated. It allows users to view Portable Document Format (PDF) files.

To install Acrobat, visit Adobe Acrobat's download Web page and follow the instructions on the site. During installation, Acrobat will integrate ("plug-in") with your Web browser (Netscape, Internet Explorer, etc.). That is, Acrobat will automatically start when you open a PDF file by clicking the filename. If you experience problems using Acrobat, see Problems Using Acrobat Reader with Web Browsers.

Problems Using Acrobat Reader with Web Browsers

If you encounter problems opening or printing any PDF files on this Web site using Adobe Acrobat Reader, first be sure that you have the latest version installed. Visit Adobe Acrobat's download Web page to get the latest version.

If you have the latest version of the product and still have problems, visit the Adobe Acrobat Reader Support site for help with the following issues:

  • Problems with downloading and installing;
  • Printing problems;
  • Configuring your Web browser to display PDF files;
  • Enabling your browser to use Acrobat as a helper application (PDF files will then appear in a separate Acrobat window instead of within the browser window).

If you are still unable to open the PDF files provided on this Web site please seek SEER's technical support.

By linking to the Adobe Acrobat Web site, SEER is not endorsing its products and services, and is not responsible for the content of the site.

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