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Engineering's Tradition Turns Ideas Into Reality

From the beginning, Livermore's engineers and technical staff have built a reputation for doing the seemingly impossible.

Exploring the Ultrawideband
Originally invented by a Livermore engineer, compact, low-cost radar and communication systems using ultrawideband frequencies are strengthening national security while changing commercial markets.

Shocking Plutonium to Reveal Its Secrets
Scientists and engineers are using a new gas gun located at LLNL's Nevada Test Site to shock plutonium to extreme pressures and temperatures.

Defending Against Corrosion
Livermore researchers are designing a rugged system to prevent nuclear wastes from seeping into the environment at the proposed underground repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.

Smart Buoys Help Protect Submarine Base
Thanks to a Livermore design, buoys outfitted with commercially available radiation detectors could soon play an important role by warning of the presence of nuclear materials in marine environments.

Mesoscale Initiative
The Engineering Directorate has begun a major effort to develop nondestructive characterization (NDC) methods that will allow scientists to “see” inside millimeter-size materials.



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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94550-9234
Operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy

Last Modified: September 22, 2004