Energy Technology Division

  Argonne National Laboratory

Biosensor with tunable diode laser

A biosensor with tunable diode laser is being developed in collaboration with the Department of Medicine at the University of Chicago for detecting cell injury via exhaled breath in medical emergencies. Besides medical applications, the Division has an active program in the development of sensors for homeland security. More...

The Energy Technology Division at Argonne National Laboratory conducts research on materials and engineering problems associated with energy production, transportation, utilization, and conservation. The Division is also responsive to new national priorities, such as the need for innovative technologies that combat terrorism. The multidisciplinary staff includes metallurgists, ceramists, physicists, mathematicians, and mechanical, electrical, and nuclear engineers. The Division's state-of-the-art facilities include testing and fabrication equipment for advanced materials, such as high-temperature superconducting ceramics and near-frictionless coatings, and an alpha-gamma hot cell for analyzing and testing radioactive materials.


The University of Chicago U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science - Department of Energy
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