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Drawing of a Heart

Talking to Your Health Care Provider About Your Risk for Heart Disease and Stroke

Here are tools to help you learn more about your risk for heart disease and stroke and to help you talk to your health care provider. Answer the questions below and then take the answers with you on your next visit to your health care provider.

Did you know that, in the United States, more women die from heart disease than from any other cause, including all types of cancer? Heart disease and stroke-two main cardiovascular diseases-are the first and third leading causes of death for women in the United States. Heart disease and stroke are serious and can lead to disability and a decreased quality of life. Unfortunately, women don't take their risk for heart disease and stroke seriously-or personally. They often fail to make the connection between risk factors, or things that increase the chances of heart disease or stroke, and their own chance of developing heart disease.

Are you at risk for heart disease or stroke? Take this quiz to find out.

Questions to Ask Your Health Care Provider
Find out answers to key questions about your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Find out what the warning signs are for heart attack and stroke.


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NWHIC is a service of the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services'
Office on Women's Health