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Symptoms of Serious Health Conditions

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Symptoms that Come on Suddenly
Note: If you have any of these symptoms, do not wait to see your health care provider. You need to go right away to an emergency room or call 911.
  • Sudden or developing problems with speech.
  • Sudden or developing problems with sight.
  • Sudden or developing trouble with balance and coordination.
  • Sudden numbness or weakness in face, arms or legs.
Symptoms that Show as Gynecological, or in your Reproductive System
  • Bleeding or spotting between periods.
  • Itching, burning or irritation (including bumps, blisters or sores) of the vagina or genital area.
  • Pain or discomfort during sex.
  • Severe or painful bleeding with periods.
  • Severe pelvic pain.
  • Unusual (for you) vaginal discharge of any type or color, or with strong odor.
Symptoms that Show as Changes in the Breast
  • Breast nipple discharge.
  • Unusual breast tenderness or pain.
  • Breast or nipple skin changes: ridges, dimpling, pitting, swelling, redness, or scaling.
  • Lump or thickening in or near breast or in underarm area, or tenderness.
Symptoms that Show as Breathing/Coughing/Lung Problems
  • Coughing up blood.
  • Persistent cough that gets worse over time.
  • Repeated bouts of bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Shortness of breath. 
  • Wheezing.
Symptoms that Show as Stomach/Intestinal/Digestive Problems
  • Bleeding from the rectum.
  • Blood or mucus in the stool (including diarrhea) or black stools.
  • Change in bowel habits or not being able to control bowels.
  • Constipation, diarrhea, or both. 
  • Heartburn or acid reflux (feels like burning in throat or mouth).
  • Pain or feeling of fullness in stomach.
  • Unusual abdominal swelling, bloating, or general discomfort.
  • Vomiting up blood.
Symptoms that Show as Urination or Bladder Problems
  • Difficult or painful urination.
  • Frequent urination or loss of bladder control.
  • Blood in urine.
  • Feeling the urge to urinate when bladder is empty.
Symptoms that Show on the Skin
  • Changes in skin moles; moles that are no longer round or turn blacker.
  • Frequent flushing and redness of face and neck.
  • Jaundice (skin and whites of eyes turn yellow).
  • Painful, crusty, scaling or oozing skin lesions that don't go away or heal.
  • Sensitivity to the sun.
  • Small lump on skin that is smooth, shiny and waxy (red or reddish-brown).
Symptoms that Show as Muscle or Joint Pain and Stiffness
  • Muscle pains and body aches that are persistent, or come and go often.
  • Numbness, tingling (pins and needles sensation) or discomfort in hands, feet, or limbs.
  • Pain, stiffness, swelling, or redness in or around joints.


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NWHIC is a service of the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services'
Office on Women's Health