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ASTAR - Automated Survey Transmission and Retrieval

Welcome to ASTAR!

Two ASTAR methods are available to electronically file the BE-45. Both methods require access to the Internet and employ state-of-the-art security features to protect confidential information contained and transmitted in the electronic form.

  • The recommended filing method is an on-line Java applet which runs in your Internet browser - you remain connected to the Internet while using ASTAR to complete and submit your form.

  • The alternative filing method is to download a stand-alone version of the same Java applet that is then run off-line in your browser, i.e., for most ASTAR functions you are not connected to the Internet while you complete your form.  Use this method only if you are unable to use the online method above.

For more detailed technical information and requirements, click here.

For either filing method, the process is as follows:

Step 1: Obtain a US_ID and password from BEA - you must request a new password for each quarter's filing.  Send an E-mail with "BE-45" in the subject line to .  Include your company's Address Label ID (found in the upper right-hand corner of any previously-filed BE-45 form), the period for which you wish to file, your company's name, and your name and phone numbers in the E-mail text.

Step 2: Run ASTAR.  Return to this web site and from the links at the bottom of this page, either run the on-line version, or download, install, and run the off-line version ASTAR.  You must answer Yes/Grant to any browser security screens - if you answer No/Deny/Cancel you cannot use ASTAR to file your survey forms.  When answering Yes/Grant, you should also click Always trust content from BEA/Grant Always which will prevent this screen from reappearing.

Step 3: Complete the BE-45 forms.  Using the US_ID, password and reporting period you enter from Step 1, ASTAR will retrieve your encrypted reporter data and affiliate list from BEA, decrypt the information, and save it locally onto your workstation. You may then complete your BE-45 forms.  ASTAR saves your data onto your workstation while you work and you may re-enter ASTAR as often as you wish in order to complete your survey.

Step 4: Submit the BE-45 forms to BEA.  ASTAR will require you to re-enter your password in order to encrypt and prepare your data file for transmission.  If your system's security prohibits a direct transmission, you will be provided with detailed instructions on three alternate methods for forwarding your data to BEA. While you have the ability to submit each form individually, please send all edited forms in a single submission (if feasible).

Step 5: Receive confirmation from BEA.  You will receive an automated E-mail confirmation within 48 hours of your direct or E-mail data transmission.  If you do not receive this notification, please contact the ASTAR HelpDesk at 202-606-9914.

Additional help is available via the Help button within ASTAR,  including complete BE-45 filing instructions.

When you are ready to begin, click on one of the two filing methods below: 

Recommended!  You must install JAVA to use this web site Click On-Line ASTAR to continue. 1) If your system requires an update you will then be directed to a screen to upgrade your java. 2) If the On-Line button does not show up please add BEA to your trusted sites.
Off-line ASTAR 3) If the On-Line ASTAR link still does not appear above, you must install and run the Off-Line version. Click Off-Line ASTAR link to continue.

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