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The principal purpose of ONDCP is to establish policies, priorities, and goals for the Nation's drug control program. To achieve this, ONDCP is charged with producing the National Drug Control Strategy. The Strategy directs the Nation's anti-drug efforts and establishes a program, a budget, and guidelines for cooperation among Federal, State, and local entities.

Annual Reports

An overview of the nation's drug problem, anti-drug programs and initiatives, Federal budget, and drug-related data.

Budget Summary
This report outlines the President’s Drug Control Budget, which provides the necessary resources to reduce drug use in America.

Fact Sheets and Circulars

Director's Transmittal Memo (PDF)
ONDCP has revised its Budget Formulation Circular to reflect certain modifications to the National Drug Control Budget. Specifically, we have added two new drug accounts to the Department of Justice and have finalized the drug budget account structure for the Department of Homeland Security.

ONDCP Circular: Budget Execution, April 2003 (PDF)
This circular provides guidance to National Drug Control Program agencies on ONDCP’s authorities related to the execution of the National Drug Control Budget.

ONDCP Circular: Drug Control Accounting, April 2003 (PDF)
This circular provides the polices and procedures to be used by National Drug Control Program agencies in conducting a detailed accounting and authentication of all funds expended on National Drug Control Program activities.

ONDCP Circular: Budget Formulation, May 2004 (PDF)
This circular provides instructions for use by National Drug Control Program agencies when preparing drug control budgets to be submitted to the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) for review, certification, and inclusion in the consolidated National Drug Control Budget.

Policy Coordination
This circular provides guidance for National Drug Control Program agencies for obtaining approval for initiating a change in drug policy.

Andean Counterdrug Initiative Semi-Annual Financial Reporting Requirements
This circular provides the procedures to be used by agencies for reporting semi-annually on the obligation of budgetary resources associated with Plan Colombia activities.

Last Updated: August 4, 2004

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