ACH - American Corner Hungary

The American Corners in Hungary:
An Invitation for Partnership



Call for Institutional Proposals

September 16, 2004

The Embassy of the United State of America in Budapest is calling for proposals from institutions interested in establishing a local "American Corner." Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate financial and in-kind support from local and/or regional governments for this long-term community initiative. Proposals are invited from libraries, universities, and cultural and governmental institutions, and related organizations throughout Hungary.

Background: The "American Corners" is a United States Department of State-sponsored initiative inaugurated worldwide more than 10 years ago. Since 2000, the U.S. has launched more than 100 American Corners in approximately 30 countries. "American Corners" serve as regional resource centers for information and programs highlighting American culture, history, current events, and government. "American Corners" typically host discussion groups, seminars, digital video conferencing (DVCs), poster exhibits, and meetings with U.S. and local specialists on a wide range of American-focused topics. They act as a regional repository for the use of American-themed books, videos, DVDs, and CD-ROMs and provide free internet access and educational materials. Operated as partnerships, the U.S. provides equipment and materials while host institutions provide staffing and the free use of space.

The Embassy of the United States of America in Budapest in collaboration with the Hungarian Ministry of Education opened Hungary's first "American Corner" in June 2004. The Corner is hosted at the Pécs International House and jointly operated by the University of Pécs and local and regional governments. Their webpage can be accessed at:

Application Criteria: The proposal, a narrative in both English and Hungarian, must contain the following information in order to receive consideration:

  1. Name address, phone, fax and email of the institutional applicant.
  2. Digital photos of the proposed Corner location. The proposed location must be one that is accessible to all citizens without membership or fees, allow for standard hours of operation, and adequate to house books, computers, and other equipment. In addition, there should be adequate space included in the Corner for hosting speakers, discussions, English classes, meetings, video presentations, and other activities and events.
  3. A description of the potential user audience (age ranges, interests, educational background, languages spoken, and other factors applicant deems important).
  4. A projected number of monthly user-visitors.
  5. A list and description of proposed Corner events.
  6. A clear statement and proof of support for funding the salary and benefits of one full-time English speaking Corner manager and one Corner assistant manager.
  7. A clear statement and assurance that the institutional applicant or local/regional government sponsor(s) will bear all financial responsibility for physical maintenance of the Corner and for programs not covered by the U.S. Embassy.

PLEASE NOTE: The proposal should also include a letter of commitment and support from the both the institutional directorate and from the local and/or regional authorities. Examples of format required for proposals can be obtained electronically from either the U.S. Embassy or Hungary's Ministry of Education at the email addresses below.

The Embassy of the United States of America in Budapest will provide:

The proposals and all supporting documentation MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 60 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. Submissions should be sent electronically to: Louis Fintor, Press Officer, U.S. Embassy Budapest ( and Yvonne Schuchmann, Hungarian Ministry of Education (

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Last updated: 09/16/2004
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