To provide a link to GovBenefits.gov, use the URL:
To provide a link to GovLoans.gov, use the URL:
If your website provides links within a sentence description, or needs a description of GovBenefits.gov, we suggest:
"GovBenefits.gov helps citizens access government benefit eligibility information through a free, confidential, and easy-to-use online screening tool. After answering some basic questions, the user receives a customized report listing the benefit programs for which the user, or person for whom he or she is entering information, may be eligible."
You may download the graphic below to place on your site.
If your website provides links within a sentence description, or needs
a description of GovLoans.gov, we suggest:
"GovLoans.gov is your
gateway to Federal loan information, brought to you through a
partnership between Federal agencies and GovBenefits.gov; the official
government benefits website."
You may download the graphic below to place on your site.