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To All

I would personally like to thank all of you for your constant support throughout the years. I suppose tough times are indeed just that. As my dear friend and former boss Bob Kirkland used to say, "This is all great fun, as long as you don't weaken". These words truly assimilate merit, especially at the present.


John C. McKenzie

Acting Chief OWQL

May 18, 2004


To: OWQL Analytical Customer

From: Jess D. Weaver, Regional Hydrologist

Subject: Closure of the Ocala Water Quality Laboratory

As you know, the Ocala Water Quality Laboratory (OWQL) will be closing this summer. The purpose of this memo is to provide you, a customer of OWQL, with more detail about how the closure will progress and what actions you will need to take.

The OWQL will close by September 30, 2004. A 45-day transition period will begin on June 1, 2004, with the purpose to ensure all OWQL customer needs will be met before closure. The Analytical Services Section will stop receiving samples for analysis on July 16, 2004, and cease analytical operations by July 31, 2004. Customers of the OWQL will be contacted by Dave Brown, Deputy Center Director, staff from OWQL, and staff from the NWQL during the transition period to help you assess how your future analytical needs can be met while addressing your technical and cost considerations. This discussion can include providing specialized assistance to customers who may be unfamiliar with current NWQL web tools, points of contact, and billing processes.

A majority of the methods performed by OWQL are available at the NWQL, however, there are a number of EPA methods offered at OWQL that may not be available at the NWQL. The NWQL does have comparable USGS methods available to replace the EPA methods but a transition to USGS methods from EPA methods may or may not be appropriate to address your study or cooperator requirements. The NWQL will consult with you directly to make that determination. This direct dialogue should assure that all of your analytical requirements are fully understood by the NWQL, and that any differences between OWQL and NWQL analytical protocols are acceptable for your data needs and to your cooperator. In addition, if the NWQL cannot provide the analytical services you require, their personnel will provide assistance in identifying other potential laboratories for support.

There are a few, mostly time-dependent, OWQL methods that are not offered at the NWQL and will not be replicated. These include; acidity (LC 3098), BOD (LC 9 & 3094), fecal coliform bacteria (LC 3089), total coliform bacteria (LC 313), total fluoride (LC 3108), nutrient totals, salinity (LC 3165), and sulfide (LC 89 & 3514).

Although a detailed archive plan has not been completed, the OWQL database will be archived. All data will be stored/housed according to Federal Government requirements for records retention. The NWQL has been asked to assimilate the OWQL electronic data files and additional information regarding this operation and data accessibility will be transmitted as more information becomes available.

The transfer of the OWQL Field Supply operations to the NWQL will be seamless. September 17, 2004 is the cut-off date for accepting supply orders for FY04. Prior to that date, the NWQL will expand their field supply operation to accommodate the Ocala supply service. The One-Stop web tool operated by the HIF will remain intact and redirect orders to the NWQL no later than September 18, 2004.

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