Quick Tips—When Getting a Prescription

The single most important way you can stay healthy is to be an active member of your own health care team. One way to get high-quality health care is to find and use information and take an active role in all of the decisions made about your care.

This information will help you when getting a prescription filled.

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Understanding the importance your medication plays in your treatment will help you get the most benefit from your prescription. It is important to take an active role in your health care by working with your doctor, nurse, and pharmacist to learn as much as possible about your prescription.

When you are prescribed a new medication, ask your doctor or pharmacist the following questions:

When you pick up your medicine at the pharmacy, check to be sure it is the medicine you were prescribed by your doctor.

When your doctor prescribes a medication for you for the first time, make sure to tell him or her the following:

During your treatment, you should schedule a followup visit to your physician in order to monitor your progress. Make sure to tell him or her:

Remember, quality matters, especially when it comes to your health. For more information on health care quality and materials to help you make health care decisions, go to Quality of Health Care: "Q-Pack".

Current as of May 2002
AHRQ Publication No. 01-0040c

Internet Citation:

Quick Tips—When Getting a Prescription. AHRQ Publication No. 01-0040c, May 2002. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/consumer/quicktips/tipprescrip.htm

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