FloodSmart.gov -- An official site of the National Flood Insurance Program
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Visit the FEMA.gov/NFIP website for a comprehensive list of commonly used flood insurance terms and their meanings.

Here is a list of acronyms commonly used by the NFIP and flood insurance agents and companies.

ACV -- Actual Cash Value
BFD -- Base Flood Depth
BFE -- Base Flood Elevation
CBRA -- Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982
CBIA -- Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990
CBRA -- Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982
CBRS -- Coastal Barrier Resources System
COLMA -- Conditional Letter of Map Amendment
COLMR -- Conditional Letter of Map Revision
CRS -- Community Rating System
DFIRM -- Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map
FEMA -- Federal Emergency Management Agency
FHBM -- Flood Hazard Boundary Map
FIRM -- Flood Insurance Rate Map
FIS -- Flood Insurance Study
ICC -- Increased Cost of Compliance
LFE -- Lowest Floor Elevation
LODR -- Letter of Determination Review
LOMA -- Letter of Map Amendment
LOMR -- Letter of Map Revision
MPPP -- Mortgage Portfolio Protection Program
NFIP -- National Flood Insurance Program
NFIRA -- National Flood Insurance Reform Act
OPA -- Otherwise Protected Areas
PRP -- Preferred Risk Policy
RCBAP -- Residential Condominium Building Association Policy
RCV -- Replacement Cost Value
SDF -- Special Direct Facility
SFHA -- Special Flood Hazard Area
SFIP -- Standard Flood Insurance Policy
WYO -- Write Your Own Program

Fast Facts

New land development can increase flood risk, especially if the construction changes natural runoff paths.

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