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Help With Searching

To do a simple search of our site, simply enter a word or phrase (search query) in the box on the Search Plus page and press the Search button. No special characters or operators are needed.

However, to conduct a more effective search, you need to understand how the search engine interprets the search query. For example, by entering the word region, the actual word region and all its stemmed variations (such as regions and regional) are found. The search results are ranked for "importance," which means how close the matched word comes to the originally input search criteria. In the example above, region would rank higher than any of the stemmed variants.

What is Assumed

The search engine makes certain assumptions that dictate how it interprets your search query. In some cases, you can circumvent the assumptions, but here is how the search engine decides what to include in the search results:

Case Sensitivity--Search ignores the case of your search query if all the letters in the query are of the same case. You may force the search engine to match the case of your query by mixing the case (upper and lower case) of the letters in your query or by enclosing it in parentheses or quotation marks.

Stemming--Search finds all documents that contain any stemmed variant of the search word or phrase. The search engine looks at the meaning of the word, not just its spelling. For example, if you want to search on plan, the results would include documents that contain planning and plans, but not those that contain plane or planet. You may disable stemming by enclosing your search query in parentheses or quotation marks.

Relevancy--Search considers how often the search word or phrase appear in the found documents and ranks the results for frequency and exactness. Relevancy is disabled when searching document titles.

Phrases--Search considers words separated by spaces to be part of a phrase. For example, Monterey otter is interpreted as a phrase and both must be present and together to be found. Such a search would not find documents containing sea otter or Monterey Bay. You may force a search of the individual words in your search query by inserting commas or the operator OR between the words.

Sample Searches
Sample Searches
If you search for . . .
(all characters exactly as they appear below)
The list of matching documents will include all those . . .
steam Containing steam, Steam, STEAM, sTEAM, etc. (i.e., any case). In addition, documents containing "stemmed" variants (differing in tense or number) will also be found such as steaming and steamer. However, a search for plan would also yield plans, planned, and planning, but not plane.
STEAM same as above
Steam Containing Steam or any of its containing "stemmed" variants (differing in tense or number) such as Steaming and Steamer. Neither steam, STEAM nor sTEAM would be found. However, a search for Plan would also yield Plans, Planned, and Planning, but not Plane.
steam generator Containing the phrase steam generator (any case). Stemmed variants would also be found (such as steam generators). However, the list of documents will be sorted by relevancy, so documents at the top of the list will be contain more matches closer to the exact phrase than those lower in the list.
steam, generator Same as above. The comma is an operator meaning <or>. Note that generator, steam would achieve the same result, but with a different sorted order favoring documents where generator occurs before steam.
"steam generator" Containing the exact phrase steam generator (matching case and without stemmed variants). The pair of quotation marks turns off case insensitivity, stemming, and proximity searching.
(steam generator) Same as above. The pair of parentheses functions the same as a pair of quotation marks.
steam <AND> generator Containing both steam and generator (any case), but in any order and not necessarily next to each other (<AND> is an operator). Stemmed variants of each term are also found. You may use AND, <AND>, and, or <and>.
steam "and" generator Containing any one or more of the three terms steam, and, and generator (any case). Stemmed variants of are also found for steam and generator, but not for and, since it is within quotation marks.
"steam and generator" Containing the exact phrase steam and generator (any case). Stemming is turned off.
steam not generator Containing steam but not generator (any case). Stemmed variants of steam are also found.
steam <NEAR/25> generator Containing both steam and generator, in either order, within 25 words of each other (any case). Stemmed variants of either term are also found.
title <CONTAINS>"steam generator" Containing an HTML title that includes the exact phrase steam generator (exact case and stemming turned off).

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Last revised Monday, June 23, 2003