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Global Combat Support System (GCSS)
Combatant Commanders/ Joint Task Force (CC/JTF)

For More Information

The Global Combat Support System (GCSS) Combatant Commanders/ Joint Task Force (CC/JTF) was developed by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) to respond to the operational concept of Focused Logistics articulated in Joint Vision 2010, and reinforced in Joint Vision 2020. Focused logistics is the fusion of logistics information and transportation technologies for rapid crisis response; deployment and sustainment; the ability to track and shift units, equipment and supplies and the delivery of tailored logistical packages directly to the warfighter.

GCSS (CC/JTF) supports the Combatant Command/Joint Task Force level by supplying read-only access to comprehensive combat support (CS) information from authoritative CS data sources. This access provides the warfighter with a single, end-to-end capability to manage and monitor units, personnel and equipment through all stages of the mobilization process. By providing access to high-level integrated information and decision support tools, GCSS (CC/JTF) enhances the ability of Combatant Commands and JTF commanders to make timely, informed decisions.
GCSS (CC/ JTF) complements the Global Command and Control System (GCCS) by being fielded as a GCCS mission application. As such, it adds capability to the common Operational Picture, and provides a web-based query tool. Together, GCCS and GCSS present a comprehensive command and control (C2) and CS battlespace picture to its user community.

GCSS (CC/JTF) V2.0 fielding was completed in July 2002. Initial fielding of GCSS (CC/JTF) V3.0 Portal Capabilities to the Combatant Commands began in October 2002. DISA provides help desk support/problem resolution to the fielded capabilities. Enhancements are currently in development in support of GCSS (CC/JTF) Phase 4 Capability Increments (e.g. v3.1, v3.2 and v3.3). Ultimately, GCSS (CC/JTF) components will provide an integrated, user-friendly, information technology capability with little or no latency access for mission planning and operation to any authorized user, any place, at any time.

GCSS (CC/JTF) is designed to support primarily those working logistics or C2, such as combatant commanders and their components and JTF commanders; however, anyone who has GCCS access and has the adequate system configuration can request an account through the combatant commanders’ J4 (functional component), which will approve accounts.

Current users can call the help desk at (703) 695-0671/ DSN 225. For more information, go to http://www.disa.mil/ge/gcss/gcsshome.html.

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