The Transportation Technology Development and Demonstration is located at the National Transporation Center in Knoxville, Tennessee.  The mission of the Team is to be a customer driven, value-added, technical team dedicated to the development and deployment of unique demonstrations that lead to wide-spread deployment of intelligent transportation systems.

We are located at the
National Transportation
Research Center
  • Advanced High-Speed Weigh-In-Motion System
  • Automated Vehicle Data Acquisition (AVDAC)
  • National Intelligent Truck Consortium
  • Weigh-in-Motion Virtual Website


    Mobile Demonstration Projects

  • Advanced Public Transportation Systems Mobile Showcase
  • Desiccant Humidity Control Van
  • ITS/CVO Technology Truck 

    Visitor Maps and Lodging
    Other Related Links
    Contact us
    Papers and Publications

    This site developed and maintained by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
    Direct questions or comments to: K. P. Gambrell
    Last updated: March 2004