
Center Projects and Activities

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Center Strategic Plan



Coastal Hazards


Coastal hazards include both natural and man-made events (chronic and episodic) that threaten the health of coastal ecosystems and communities. This definition includes, but is not limited to, hurricanes, tsunamis, erosion, oil spills, harmful algal blooms, and pollution. Center projects in this theme area work to reduce the environmental, social, and economic impacts from coastal hazards by providing information and tools that facilitate increased decision-support capabilities for coastal managers.

  • GOAL 1
    Coastal communities have a significant reduction in loss of human, environmental, and economic impacts from both man-made and natural hazards.
  • GOAL 2
    The hazard-risk and vulnerability data, information, and application needs of Center clients are met.
  • GOAL 3
    Awareness and coordination among client groups is achieved, eliminating redundancy or gaps in hazards-related activities.
  • GOAL 4
    Coastal managers have the knowledge and skills to develop and implement hazard mitigation policies and practices.

View the NOAA Coastal Services Center Strategic Plan for Coastal Hazards. Download Adobe® Acrobat® Reader to view this document.