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State Dept. Places South Korea on Tier 1 Trafficking List
2003 Trafficking in Persons Report released June 11

The State Department designated South Korea as a Tier 1 country in its third Trafficking in Persons Report in recognition of Seoul's efforts to combat human trafficking.

The report, released June 11, notes that "South Korea is a source, transit and destination country for women trafficked for sexual exploitation."

Nonetheless, the South Korean government "fully complies with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking" as set by Congress, the report continues.

Seoul "recognizes that trafficking is a national problem and undertakes comprehensive efforts to prevent it, protect victims and prosecute traffickers," the report notes.

The report commends such recent moves as the government's decision to apply stricter standards in the issuance of "entertainer" visas and steps taken to reduce police corruption associated with trafficking.

The State Department is required to report to Congress annually whether foreign governments meet the minimum standards set for the elimination of trafficking as detailed in the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act of October 2000. Governments that do so are placed on the Tier 1 list.

The full text of the report is available at www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2003.

Following is an excerpt on South Korea from the report released by the Department of State June 11


South Korea is a source, transit and destination country for women trafficked for sexual exploitation. Victims come mainly from Southeast Asia (particularly the Philippines and Thailand), China, Russia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan. Women often enter South Korea on "entertainer" visas and are forced to work as prostitutes in bars and private clubs. South Korean women are also trafficked abroad to Japan and the United States.

The Government of South Korea fully complies with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. The government recognizes that trafficking is a national problem and undertakes comprehensive efforts to prevent it, protect victims and prosecute traffickers. The government's decision to apply stricter standards in the issuance of "entertainer" visas is a positive move and will require further monitoring. The government has taken important steps to reduce police corruption associated with trafficking.


Many government agencies undertake education and prevention campaigns. The Korean National Police Agency prints materials in various languages explaining the dangers of trafficking and detailing the assistance and services offered to victims by the government. Thousands of police officers visit schools to discuss trafficking issues with children. The highest-ranking woman police officer has reached out to foreign embassies and potential trafficking victims. South Korean embassies in source countries distribute leaflets warning visa applicants of sex trafficking.


South Korea has no anti-trafficking law, but uses a variety of criminal statutes to prosecute traffickers. In 2002, the government reported that it detained and investigated 450 suspected traffickers, indicted 90, and convicted 68 perpetrators. Penalties varied based on the criminal statute applied, but three years was the average sentence. South Korea cooperates internationally on law enforcement, working with INTERPOL and national governments to identify and arrest traffickers. Senior police officials have addressed incidents of corruption in their lower ranks, and two Korean consular officials were indicted for accepting bribes to issue visas.


Government protection efforts are comprehensive and officials are aware of the need to protect victims. The Ministry of Gender Equality provides assistance for temporary and long-term shelters, which offer trafficking victims free lodging and food, medical assistance, counseling, and legal services. The government also provides funding to domestic NGOs, which offer victims shelter. The rights of foreign victims are generally respected, and they are not charged with illegal employment or residency. Victims are provided with free legal services to seek compensation for unpaid wages. When trafficking victims report a crime or act as a witness in court, their identity and personal information are kept confidential for their personal protection.

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