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The search tool will send you a list of documents that include your words, or it will tell you that there were no matches. In either case, you will also receive a more detailed version of the search form.

For example, if you enter "night light" in the form, the search tool will produce a report of all documents that include the word "night" and the word "light" (and you will get a hit on this page and not much else since our website doesn't talk about "night light" very much).

Hints: Try to think of words that are used when you talk about the topic you are looking for. Sometimes the topics are quite broad, but you can focus your search by selecting words that describe the topic. Think about content words rather than categories. Also if the plural version of the word fails to get a hit, try the singular version of the word.

The search results page also provides access to an "advanced" search form. The link to the advanced form is located in the upper right corner of the page. The form allows you to change the scope of your search from "NN/LM PNR Pages" to "all NN/LM pages," just the "PNR newsletter," or just "PNR program reports."

This publication is funded in whole with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, under Contract No. N01-LM-1-3516.

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NN/LM | UW HSL | NN/LM PNR | Contact us: | Revised: September 2, 2004