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  ATSDR Authors

  Supported Publications

   •Great Lakes Human Health
    Effects Research Program

   •Minority Health Professions     Foundation

   •Other Awardees

  1999 - 2001


Peer Reviewed Scientific Papers
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ATSDR Authors Indicated in Bold

Amler S. Liquid mercury: a poisonous plaything. Contemp Pediat 2002; 19(8): 37-56.

Au WW, Falk H. Superfund research program - accomplishments and future opportunities. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2002; 205(1-2) 165-68. Abstract

Barr DB, Turner WE, DiPietro E, McClure PC, Baker SE, Barr JR, Gehle K, et al. Measurement of p-nitrophenol in the urine of residents whose homes were contaminated with methyl parathion. Environ Health Perspect. 110:1085. Abstract

Basak SC, Mills D, Hawkins DM, El-Masri HA. Prediction of tissue-air partition coefficients: a comparison of structure-based and property-based methods. Sar Qsar Environ Res, December 2002; 13(7-8):649-665. Abstract

Baynes RE, Brooks JD, Mumtaz M, Riviere JE. Effect of chemical interaction in pentachlorophenol mixtures on skin and membrane transport. Toxicol Sci,October 2002; 69(2):295-304. Abstract

Berkowitz Z, Haugh GS, Orr MF, Kaye WE. Releases of hazardous substances in schools: data from Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance System, 1993-1998. J Environ Health 2002; 65:20-7. Abstract

Berkowitz Z, Orr MF, Kaye WE, Haugh GS. Hazardous substances emergency events in the agriculture industry and related services in four mid-western states. J Occup Environ Med 2002; 44:714-23. Abstract

Bédard Y, Henriques WD. Modern information technologies in environmental health surveillance: An overview and analysis. Can J Public Health 2002; 93(1):29-33. Abstract

Bonham VL, Nathan VR. Environmental public health research: engaging communities. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2002; 205(1-2)11-18. Abstract

Bove F. TTHMs, TCE & PCE: Drinking water contaminants and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Water Conditioning & Purification 2002; 44: 42-7.

Bove F, Shim Y, Zeitz P. Drinking water contaminants and adverse pregnancy outcomes: A review. Environ Health Perspect 2002; 110(suppl 1) 61-74. Abstract

Chou C-H SJ, Williams M, Jones D, DeRosa CT. Evaluating toxicologic end points to derive minimal risk levels for hazardous substances. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2002: 205(1-2)71-5. Abstract

El-Masri HA, Mumtaz MM, Choudhary G, Cibulas W, DeRosa CT. Applications of computational toxicology methods at the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2002: 205(1-2): 63-9. Abstract

Faroon O, Keith S, Jones DE, De Rosa CT. Carcinogenic effects of polychlorinated biphenyls, Toxicol Ind Health,March 2002; 17(2):41-62. Abstract

Faroon O, Keith S, Jones DE, De Rosa CT. Effects of polychlorinated biphenyls on development and reproduction, Toxicol Ind Health, April 2002; 17(3):63-93. Abstract

Hicks HE, DeRosa CT. Great Lakes research - important human health findings and their impact on ATSDR's Superfund research program. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2002; 205(1-2): 49-61. Abstract

Hicks HE, De Rosa CT. Sentinel human health indicators: to evaluate the health status of vulnerable communities. Can J Public Health 2002; 93 (Supplement 1): S57-S61. Abstract

Horton DK, Berkowitz Z, Kaye WE. The public health consequences from acute chlorine releases, 1993-2000. J Occup Environ Med, Oct 2002; 44(10):906-13. Abstract

Imtiaz R, Haugh G. Analysis of environmental and biologic methyl parathion data to improve future data collection. Environ Health Perspect. Suppl 110:1071-74. Abstract

Inserra S, Phifer B, Campagna D. Community-based exposure estimates for hydrogen sulfide. J Exp Anal Environ Epidemiol 2002;12: 124-9. Abstract

Kahn EB, Ramsey LT, Brownson RC, Heath GW, Howze EH, Powell KE, et al. The effectiveness of interventions to increase physical activity: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med 2002; 22: 73-107. Abstract

Keith LS, Jones DE, Chou C-H SJ. Aluminum toxicokinetics regarding infant diet and vaccinations. Vaccine 2002; S13-17. Abstract

Manassaram DM, Orr MF, Kaye WE. 2002. Public health risk of hazardous substances releases associated with the manufacturing of chemicals and allied products. Epidemiology (Suppl) 2002;13:4.

Middleton DC, Miller A, Whitehouse A. Case series of asbestos-related abnormalities associated with environmental exposure to amphibole (non-commercial) asbestos. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002; 165(8):A32.

Noonan CW, Kathman SJ, White MC. Prevalence estimates for MS in the United States and evidence of an increasing trend for women. Neurology 2002;58:136-8. Abstract

Noonan CW, Sarasua SM, Campagna D, Kathman SJ, Lybarger JA, Mueller PA. Effects of exposure to low levels of environmental cadmium on renal biomarkers. Environ Health Perspect 2002; 110:151-5. Abstract

Orr M, Bove F, Kaye W, Stone M. Elevated birth defects in racial or ethnic minority children of women living near hazardous waste sites. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2002; 205(1-2):19-27. Abstract

Ostrowsky BE, Whitener C, Bredenberg HK, Carson LA, Holt S, Hutwagner L, et al. Jarvis WR. Serratia marcescens bacteremia traced to an infused narcotic. N Engl J Med 2002; 346(20):1529-37. Abstract

Pohl HR, Hicks HE, Jones DE, Hansen H, De Rosa CT. Public health perspectives on dioxin risks: Two decades of evaluations. Hum Ecol Risk Assess2002; 8(2): 233-50.

Spengler RF, Anderson BE, Zenick H. Collaboration and importance of federally sponsored Superfund research programs. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2002; 205(1-2): 1-9. Abstract

Spengler RF, Falk H. Future directions of environmental public health research: ATSDR's 2002-2010 agenda for six priority focus areas. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2002; 205(1-2): 77-83. Abstract

Stevens Y-W, Williams-Johnson MM, DeRosa CT, Cibulas W. Findings and accomplishments of ATSDR' s Superfund-mandated substance-specific applied research program. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2002; 205(1-2) 29-39. Abstract

Tatham LM, Bove FJ, Kaye WE, Spengler RF. Population exposures to 1-131 releases from Hanford Nuclear Reservation and preterm birth, infant mortality, and fetal deaths. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2002; 205(1-2) 41-8. Abstract

Warren RC, Walker B Jr, Nathan VR. Environmental factors influencing public health and medicine: Policy implications. Journal of the National Medical Association, 2002; 94 (4) Abstract

Wheeler J, Chou C-H SJ. Considerations and procedures in derivation of ATSDR minimal risk levels. Vaccine 2002; 20: S51-S55.

White MC, Berger-Frank SA, Middleton DC, Falk H. Addressing community concerns about asthma and air toxics. Environ Health Perspect 2002; 110(Suppl 4):561-4. Abstract

Zeitz P, Orr MF, Kaye W. Public health consequences of mercury spills, Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance, 1993-1998. Environ Health Perspect 2002; 110:129-32. Abstract

Zeitz P, Kakolewski K, Imtiaz R, Kaye W. Methods of assessing neurobehavioral development in children exposed to methyl parathion in Mississippi and Ohio. Environ Health Perspect 2002; Suppl 110:1079-84. Abstract


Supported Publications

Great Lakes Human Health Effects Research Program

Karmaus W, Huang A, Cameron L. Parental concentration of dichlorodipenyl Dichloroethene and polychlorinated biphenyls in Michigan fish eaters and sex ratio offspring. J Occup Environ Med 2002; 44:8-13. Abstract


Minority Health Professions Foundation

Archibong AE, Inyang F, Ramesh A, Greenwood M, Nayyar T, Kopsombut P. Alteration of pregnancy- related hormones and fetal survival in F-344 rats exposed by inhalation to benzo(a)pyrene. Reprod Toxicol, 2002; 16: 801-8. Abstract

Barry KJ, Mielke PW, Mielke HW. The Fisher-Pitman permutation test:: An attractive alternative to the F test. Psychol Rep, 2002; 90: 495-502. Abstract

Mielke HW, Gonzales CR, Powell E, Shah A. Natural and anthropogenic processes that concentrate Mn in rural and urban environments of the Lower Mississippi River Delta. Environ Res, 2002; 90 (2):157-68. Abstract

Mielke HW. Research ethics in pediatric environmental health: Lessons from lead. Neurotoxicol Teratol, 2002; 24(4): 467-9. Abstract

Rothenberg SJ, Kondrashov V, Manalo M, Jiang J,Cuellar R, Garcia M, et al. Increases in hypertension and blood pressure during pregnancy with increased bone lead levels. Am J Epidemiol, 2002; 156:1079-87. Abstract

Saunders CR, Ramesh A, Shockley DC. Modulation of neurotoxic behavior in F-344 rats by temporal disposition of benzo(a)pyrene. Toxicol Lett, 2002; 129:33-45. Abstract


Other Awardees

Kramer RE, Wellman SE, Zhu H, Rockhold RW, Baker, RC. A comparison of cholinesterase activity after intravenous, oral or dermal administration of methyl parathion. Journal of Biomedical Science, Mar-Apr 2002; 9(2):140-8. Abstract

Kramer RE, Wellman SE, Rockhold RW, Baker RC. Pharmacokinetics of methyl parathion: a comparison following single intravenous, oral or dermal administration. Journal of Biomedical Science, Jul-Aug 2002; 9(4):311-20. Abstract


This page last updated April 1, 2003

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